Chapter 6: The new Jeff...

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Y/n POV•

The first time I and Jeff met, it clicked that we should be friends. We were so alike in a way. Even though we've only known each other for 2 weeks, it feels like we know everything about each other. I thought we told each other everything. But it's okay. I don't blame him. I pace up and down the sidewalk waiting to see his car pull into the driveway. I pace for hours until it starts raining. I knew they would be home tomorrow but I couldn't risk missing him get home. I was so worried. I felt like I was shaking so badly that my brain was going to shatter. I was getting soaked as I walked to my porch. My porch had a roof over it, or I would have waited at his. I was so worried. I almost fall asleep until I hear a car. I see Jeff's car pull into their driveway. They were early! I start running as fast as I can down the street in the rain. I see him get out of the car. He has bandages all over his body. I can't see his face. I still hug him. He doesn't hug back like usual. He just stands there. "Are you okay?" I ask. "Mhm." Jeff starts walking inside behind his family, I walk alongside Jeff.

We walk up to his room and sit on his bed. He ignores me. I ask more seriously "Are you okay..?" He looks up at me "yeah. I am" I couldn't see his face, but I could tell he was trying to smile. "When can you take them off? The bandages.." I ask, wanting to see his face. "I could take them off right now," Jeff says like he wants me to ask him to. "Please take them off- if you can," I ask him. Jeff walks to his bathroom and starts unwrapping the bandages. His skin is bleached white, not just peach, a white the color of the clouds. His hair is now fried and black- eh, burnt.. and a lot shorter. He's also... crying?
I wrap him in a hug, feeling his tears on my shoulder. "I- I know I'm ugly.. y-you don't have to be my-" he gets cut off "Jeff. I'm not being forced to be your friend." I say pulling him out of the hug to look him in the face "I want to be your friend." He starts crying even more and pushes me onto his bed. We just sit there, his head in my lap. "There's so much you don't know.." he sniffs. "Then tell me," I say.  He starts to speak "You are the only person that cares about me. My parents don't care. My so-called friends don't care. Liu pretends to care. But you, you genuinely care. I get this feeling that makes me want to kill someone. That's why I wasn't phased when you killed those two girls. I wanted to. I love you for it. For killing them. You tried your best to help me from Troy. I'm sorry I couldn't... I couldn't stop them" Jeff said, now looking at my face. I looked at him with sorry eyes and say "I feel the same way about you. I'm so glad I met you. You're my only best friend and a damn good one at that." Jeff started turning red, which is much more vibrant due to his new skin tone. "Your not ugly Jeff. You're everything else but ugly. You're the best thing. My best friend." I said, Jeff, turning even more red.
I pecked Jeff on the forehead before saying goodbye and walking home. It was rainy.

Third person•

Y/n walks home blushing and asks herself "why did I do that?!". "Ew, romance.." Nolan said in a disgusted tone. "Nolan!" Y/n said out loud. Luckily no one was out. "Oh! Nolan I have a question, what happened to those assholes?" "I threw the fat kid against the wall with my mind and scared them o-" Nolan was cut off. "You can do that?!?" Y/n asked. "Yeah.." Nolan said. Y/n arrived home.

Y/n POV.
When I got home I soon learned that my father lost his job and had gotten drunk with my mom. "Hey the freak child is home," dad said. That was the first time he talked to me In months. I began to feel sad, knowing that the first time my father talked to me in months is to say I'm a "freak child".  Mom just laughed. They both started throwing insults at me but one got to me the most "Demon freak". When mom called me that Nolan forcibly took over. But when he forcibly takes over, I can see what's happening. I can see everything, but I can't control my body. or words. Or emotions. I saw Nolan throw a glass at my parents. Hitting my mom in the face. Her face starts bleeding my mom was on the floor crying when my dad charged at me. Nolan charges back and knocks him on the floor. Nolan I knew was strong, but I very rarely saw it in action...

Word count: 877

Thank youuu for readddinnng I keep getting lazy with paragraphs sorry 😞

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