Chapter 37: Weed

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They arrived back, the only concerned people were Ben and Natalia.

Ej told her to just stay with him and keep him high on pain pills. Sounded about right. Y/n helped him to his room and sat her things down.

"That wasn't embarrassing, was it?" She teased.

"Hell yeah it was, I got stabbed. You'd be embarrassed."

"Whatever, here take this." Y/n handed him another dose of pills.

"Thank you. I need them." He chuckled, swallowing the pills.

"No you don't. I'm spoiling you."

"How so?" He looked to her, confused.

"Your last dose was only 4 hours ago."

"Thanks." He looked at his nightstand. "But it isn't enough." He slowly sat up.

"Don't move to much." She scoffed.

He leaned down and reached into a drawer. Pulling out a blunt. Y/n just looked at him. Who the hell would deal to him? He lit it and began to breathe it in.

He sat with his back to the wall, handing y/n the blunt.

"No thanks." She laughed.

"Aww why?"

"I don't do drugs." She spoke seriously.

"So.. you'll murder people, steal, break almost every other law.. but you won't smoke weed?" He laughed.

She thought about it for second, then sighed. "Give it here."

"Good. It'll help you too."

Y/n forgot she was hurt to be honest, she hadn't taken any pills but the pain was just dull. But when he mentioned that, her back began to hurt a little.

She took a breath of it, coughing immediately after. "Oh god-" she coughed.

"Burns doesn't it?" He teased.

"No, no what do you mean?" She spoke in a weak voice, coughing once more.

"You'll get used to it."

In the next 25 minuets, they were both high. Y/n didn't recognize her pain anymore. Her body felt all tingly and warm. Meanwhile, Jeff was laughing at everything that happened.

"Oh I remember that! Was fucking hilarious!" He laughed.

"Jefff.. his nose like.. broke.." Y/n spoke slowly.

"I know! Funny.." he chuckled. "Hey do you remember when you kissed me?!" He laughed out loud.

"Ooo. Don't remInd me of thattt.." she covered her face in embarrassment.

"No seriously I had the biggest fucking crush on you!" He giggled.

"You did?!" She sat up, looking at Jeff.

"Yeah, like I would think about you every night.." his bloodshot eyes went a little wide, making eye contact with her.

"Bro.. like a week before you did everything I got a crush on you too." She laughed.

"Too bad your talking about it in the past tense.." he sighed, hanging his head to the side.

"What do you mean? You were too..." she propped herself on her hands.

"I know but like. Your gorgeous. I would kill to go back in time and ask you out." He closed his eyes.

"You think I'm gorgeous?" She giggled.

"Yeah, and you've got big tits!" He spoke like he was regretting something. "Aw man.. I really wish I had asked you out.." he looked at her chest.

"Oh, I'm not supposed to stare huh.." he laughed.

"My boobs aren't that big." she pouted

"Nahh, nah your right they're like medium sized." He smiled.

"That doesn't help!" She laid back down. "Do you really wished you had asked me out?"

"Yeah, cause like we'd be dating right now.." he sighed.

"Well why not just date me now bro? That makes more sense.." she said Turning her head to the side, not fully comprehending what she was saying.

"Oh yeah your right!" He sat up straight. "But I don't like commitment."

"Well then.. i don't know, like, try it out." She chuckled.

"How? Like make out? Sex? Fake dating?"

"I've never fake dated anyone." She looked at the the ceiling

"Have you done the other things?" He laid down beside her.

"Like one or two handjobs but no sex." She laughed.

"Oh my god your a virgin, loser." He laughed.

"Aren't you a virgin?" She asked, turning to face him in the bed.

"No! No I am not." He giggled.

"When did you have sex?" She gasped.

"Like one time 2 years ago! It wasn't even good." He shivered as if remembering a nasty memory.

"Ugh, I don't even really know how it happens. Like I know what it is but I feel like it'd be awkward.." she laughed.

It went silent for a few second until Jeff turned to face her the silence was broken by him speaking in an upbeat tone.

"Wanna try?"

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