Chapter 34.5

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"Your not welcome here.." a demonic voice whispered. She couldn't see anything but a small red light emitting from an unknown source. She began to walk towards it, screams echoing in her ears.

"Y/N!!" An unknown voice shouted. She felt her body being pulled up by something.

After what felt like a second, her eyes shot open. She saw Jeff standing over her, shaking her arms.

"Y/n! God damnit!" He shouted.

She just looked at him, not being able to make out words.

She coughed, trying to speak to him. holding her chest as her whole body began to burn with pain.

"Di..did.." she began to whisper.

"What?" He leaned closer to hear what she was saying.

"Give.. me.. cp..r?" She questioned, her chest was pounding with pain. It felt like her ribs were all broken.

"You literally weren't breathing! What else was I supposed to do?!" He shouted.

"I.. was.. d..ead?" She began to tear up from panic.

"Well your alive now. Your ribs are probably just.. broken.." he moved a strand of hair from her face.

"Don't have a panic attack now, that'll only hurt you more!" Jeff shouted.

"Fuck.." she whispered, trying to move.

She fell limp, eyes widening as she could feel her broken bones moving. She opened her mouth to scream in pain, but all that came out was a small whimper.

Tears streamed down her face, she felt a pair of hands around her. Picking her up cradle style. It hurt so bad.

"Just stop moving, I'm taking you back to the mansion." Jeff demanded.

"It hurts..So.. bad." She muttered between gasps.

"Hang in there, slender can fix you up." He consoled her.

Her eyes began to shut on her. Maybe she was actually dying, maybe she was passing out from pain. Who knows.

"Y/n wake the fuck up!" He shook her, making her groan in pain.

He began running, but the shaking didn't really hurt as she was on the verge of death literally. Her head was banging in pain, she couldn't think straight. She had probably broke some other bones in the process of the fall.

Her eyes widened a bit as worried voices spoke. She had lost track of time on the way there.

"Y/n?!" She heard a worried voice spoke. It was Ej.

"Where's slender?!" Jeff shouted.

"He isn't here." Ej stated.

"Fuck.. here!" Jeff handed her to ej, who's arms she recognized.

"Where is slender?" Jeff began to open the door again.

"I think he's visiting.." Ben spoke. Her hearing began to fade as her ears began to ring.

"This is what happens when you reject me.." the man in her head spoke.

She couldn't respond. She was in too much pain. But he knew exactly what she was thinking.

"I won't leave this time. No. You need me and I want you to admit it." He angrily spoke.

"If you won't admit it I'll.."


"I'll kill you."

She decided to respond this time, as she heard Ben and Jeff speaking as ej just listened.

" ca..can't.." she weakly whispered. Jack looking down at her.

"Y/n?" He questioned.

She began to feel more intense pain all over her body. So much so she was able to push out a scream and curl her body up.

"Fuck, I have to help her. Now." Jack rushed to a set of stairs.

She closed her eyes for a few moments, opening them to see she was laying on a sort of operating table.

"Listen, Y/n. I'm going to try to numb your wounds, but I can't knock you out." He began to rummage through pill bottles.

"If this doesn't work. I'm sorry." He put the pills in a glass of water, helping her drink it.

She went limp. She didn't feel numb. It wasn't working.

He began to cut into her stomach carefully, as to not cause anymore internal bleeding. Her eyes shot wide open.

"STOP! ST.. OP!" She screamed in between coughs. It felt like her whole body was on fire.

Her head shot back in pain. She screamed out, pulling against her hand restraints. He was sewing up one of her organs that she didn't even know was bleeding.

"PL..EASE! MAKE I...T.. STO..P!" She panted. Her face had been covered in heavy tears.

Before she knew it her world was fading black.

She felt something foreign. Something she hadn't felt in years. Nolan was taking over forcibly.

Her vision tinted red. She watched ej fall backwards. He broke through the restraints, sitting up slowly, seemingly tolerating the pain.

"This fucking hurts." A distorted demonic voice hissed.

"Y/n?" Ej stood up slowly.

"You're going to bleed out, lay back down.." he slowly approached him.

"I can do it myself, asshole." He hissed, grabbing the sewing needle. Y/n cried internally from the sight. Nolan was sewing up her body.

"Thank me later Y/n. Preferably by not kicking me out of your body." He chuckled.

When she came back, her eyes shut as she fell from the table onto the floor.


What felt like hours later was only a few minuets. She woke up in her bed.

She looked around, seeing a small figure on the floor with a coloring book. It was sally.

She heard Y/n moving and looked up.

"Y/n! Stay in bed you'll get hurt!" She hurried to her, sitting down on the end of the bed.

"How do you feel?" She asked with a smile.

"I feel better than I did." Y/n chuckled, coughing a bit.

"Anyone else would have died from a fall like that!" She congratulated. "Your strong!"

"Thank you, Sally."

"Jeff is downstairs, arguing with Jacky." She sighed

"Jacky?" Y/n repeated, confused by the nickname.

"Ej." Sally answered.

"Why is he arguing with jack?" She sat up slowly.

"Because he didn't numb you or knock you out." She sat in the floor again, beginning to color.

"I think he likes you!" She laughed.

Y/n's cheeks blushed a little with embarrassment.

Did he?

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