Chapter-2: A little Nutella doesn't hurt!

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Henry showed us to our desk and then disappeared telling us that Vince had called him to prepare for a meeting

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Henry showed us to our desk and then disappeared telling us that Vince had called him to prepare for a meeting.

I look around my empty mahogany wood desk, trying to think of all the ways that I could jazz it up. There is a cork board in front of me which I plan to fill with motivational quotes to keep me going. All sorts of ideas come rushing to my mind.

The only thing on the desk is a laptop with a sticker of 'G+B'. Henry told us that an email will pop up when the mentors will need us. I stare at the empty screen wishing to receive the said email. 

In front of me, there is Grace's desk who squeals in excitement, "I just got my mail from William, asking me to come to his office," I wish her a best of luck as she picks up a notepad along with a pen and walks away. 

William Westfield is the executive designer and has designed homes for various models and celebrities. He is known best for incorporating rustic vibes into the interiors.

I look to my left to see Ryan and Asher talking casually about something which I can't seem to hear. 

Ryan is being mentored by Morgan Sykes, another executive designer who is best known for interior designing corporate offices while Asher has been honoured like me to have an opportunity to be an intern of Bruce.

Gaby and Bruce Carmichael, are one of the influential power couples in business. They get contracts and assignments from all over the world for designing people's homes, offices etc. Not only that but they believe in philanthropy and hold many charity events during the year.

I feel my phone vibrating in my skirt pocket. I pull it out to see a text. 

Best of luck

- Dad and Mom

My fingers scan over the word mom, tears threatening to spill. I text back a quick reply telling him, I will call at night. I place it on the desk beside my bag and take a look around the room. My eyes scan the people around.

Sure, we four look way too formal just like Vince said. Everybody here is dressed casually in jeans or dresses while I am sitting here in a pencil skirt.

I glance at the boys only to learn that the tie on their necks is gone and now they look more blended with everybody else at the office. I see Ryan also leaving with a folder, supposedly to Morgan.

I take a glimpse at Asher, who also seems to be staring at the laptop screen in front of him waiting for his mail. He tilts his head towards me, catching me looking at him. I turn my face away, fidgeting with the pen, feeling embarrassed to have been caught staring.

"Haven't got mail too?" He asks. I nod my head in response. He moves his chair closer to me.

"Let me introduce myself properly. Asher Bradfort. Graduated from Winston Designing school, Burkley. I live with my elder brother here in LA who is a photographer. He is the one who helped me with all the portfolios. My parents live back in Burkley with our dog Donald," He chuckles. 

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