Short Story 22

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Lia sat down in the chair and closed her eyes. She placed her shaking hand on the picture of a young Mayli and her family. Flashes of light pass through her mind until one clear image shows through.

 Lia looked at her surroundings. She was in a living room; she didn't know who's it was or where. "Mama please!" a little voice pleaded. Lia turned towards the noise. She noticed the packed bags by the door. A young, five years old Mayli begged as her father sat in the kitchen drinking himself to death. The woman bent down to the small child and handed a stuffed animal dog to her. The woman grabbed her suitcase and walked out the door. She never came back. Lia tried talking to the crying girl but it was like she saw right through her. It was like she was experiencing a memory.

Lia opened her eyes and let go of a breath. She shakily touched the picture again and closed her eyes. The lights flashed and a clear picture formed.

Lia appeared in a blank room. The white walls with a small bed with the blankets thrown around. An older Mayli sat in the middle of it, a small ball of red energy formed in her hand. She looked scared. The ball floated up as her eyes turned dark. The ball floated as the lights flickered. Her foster dad pounded on the door. He broke down the door and started screaming at her. The ball shot at him as she screamed. The anger overflowing. He flew back into the wall. The light stop flickering and her eyes turned back to her natural blue color. Her foster father laid motionless on the floor.

Lia's eyes shot open. She slowed the hyperventilating. She closed her eyes again and placed her hand on the picture frame.

Lia appeared in a bathroom. It was familiar to her. It was her high school girls bathroom. The lights flickered the same as in Mayli's room. She saw Mayli in the corner with her knees to her chest, sobbing. The dark energy manifested in her. The light she once had was close to gone. The light wanted to fight it's way out but the energy was too strong. She couldn't control it. It took over completely, leaving the old Mayli gone forever.

Lia opened her eyes. She understood now. She couldn't control the energy. The energy controlled her.

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