Watch My Heart Burn

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She was sitting on the couch holding the small black box in her hand. The top open showing the shiny engagement ring neatly placed inside. She set it down to get dinner started, the water boiling in the pot and the jar of pasta sauce sat on the counter. She looked up at the clock on the wall knowing Madeline would be home soon. The anxiety was bubbling along with the ripple in the water. She grabs the plates and sets the table. The tv talks quietly being mostly drowned out by the pouring rain. She grabs the lighter from the drawer to light the candles. That's when she saw it. The lit candles burned as she ran to grab the remote. The flashing words ran across the bottom of the screen, "Breaking News". The volume bar went up as she sat on the couch. Madeline should have been home by now. The reporter speaks as pictures flash across the screen.

"There was a car accident just minutes ago on McKinley Avenue. One person is deceased, the other is in critical condition." The woman says.

At that moment she realizes why Madeline wasn't home yet and why that blue car looked so familiar. McKinley, she was so close to home. It just had to be McKinley. Her phone rings next to her. She hesitantly picks it up.

The voice on the other side speaks, "Is this Josie Scott?"

"Yes." she says.

"Madeline was in a car crash. She didn't make it. I am so sorry for your loss."

She hangs up and grabs the ring. The tears falling down her face she sees someone stand in front of her. Madeline, wearing the same dress from this morning, kneels down in front of her. She looks down at the ring and then back up at her.

"If I were alive, I'd say yes."

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