Short Story 11- Fire Place Memories

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"You know what's weird?" Hanna said sitting in front of the fire, her head on Wyn's shoulder.

"What?" Wyn asked.

"This is the first New Year's we've spent the two of us alone."


"So it's a few minutes till midnight and I know you're up to something. Why is there a fire pit?"

"Come on baby, we've had a bunch of good memories in front of fires before midnight. Our fit kiss."

"Why are we here Hanna?"

"Come on Wyn, we need to stop fighting. This entire trip all we've done is fight, I don't even remember why we started in the first place. Tell me what's wrong. I want to help Wynnie." Hanna pleaded with Wyn.

"You want to help?! Leave me alone Hanna!" Wyn yelled staring into the fire pit in front of her.

"No!" Hanna got closer and turned Wyn's head to face her. She looked into her best friend's eyes.

"Why won't you just drop it?!"

"Because I love you."

"That's just it."

"Just what?"

"You love me. Just not in the right way."

"What does that mean?" Hanna stepped closer.

"It means this." Wyn stood closer, she cupped her hand on Hanna's cheek and kissed her gently. Hanna pulled away.

"Oh." Hanna whispered.

"Yeah." Wyn said and looked at her feet. Hanna smiled lifted her face and kissed her. Wyn smiled. She pulled away after she needed air.

"I'm sorry, Hanna."

"It's ok, honey."

"Yeah that was a good day, Wyn."

"Except for when I didn't talk to you."


"Continuing on, I asked you to be my girlfriend in front of a fire place."

"Why do we always end up in front of a fire Hanna?" Wyn asked and sat down on the bench. She laid her head in Hanna's shoulder.

"Because they are romantic."

"Really?"  Wyn smirked.

"I don't know."

"Anyway, I wanted to ask you something." Wyn said.


"Well... I had an entire speech planned and I completely forgot it." Hanna laughed and Wyn continued talking, "So I'll just make it up as I go."


"I really like you Hanna and I figured that you like me too, so Miss Hanna Ross will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes!" Hanna yelled and Kissed Wyn.

"That was even more of an amazing day." Hanna said.

"Well yeah, you got me. I'm the best."

"Yes, you are."

"We sat in front of a fire after graduation."

"As much as I love my family I need a break." Wyn said as they walked away from the grad party, "Was it just me or as high school really hard?"

"It's because you don't pay attention baby."

"I can't believe I even graduated. Thank god there's no more school for the rest of my life."

"Wyn, honey, there's four years of college."

"Damn it."

"Aw, baby, you're adorable."

"No, you're adorable."

"You thought high school was so hard." Hanna laughed.

"Because it was." Wyn complained, "At least art school was better."


"You also said 'I love you' to me for the first time in front of a fire."

Wyn sat in front of the fire place reading a book when Hanna came and sat down next to her. She kissed her cheek.

"Hey baby." Wyn said and smiled.


"What's up?"


"Hanna, you're all giddy. I know something's up. What do you want to tell me?"

"Whaaaat? Nothing."

"Come on Hanna. I know you."

"Ok, fine. What I wanted to say was, Wyn DeLaCruz, I love you, always have and always will." Hanna giggled.

"Aw baby, I love you too. Always have and always will."

"Damn was I that giddy?" Hanna asked.

"You were bursting from the seams."

"Oops, well, I love you but where is this going?"

"Because we've had so many amazing memories in front of fires, I thought it was fitting to do this in front of a fire place." Wyn got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box. She opened it and began to speak, "I figured out I liked you when I was 15. We were small little freshmen and best friends so I vowed never to tell you. The next two years I watched you fall in love with different guys, or at least I thought you were. Those two years I guess you were falling in love with me. When I saw you kiss that guy at the lodge, I got so mad, I didn't talk to you for a week. It was so hard fighting with you until you cornered me at the fire pit and asked me what was wrong. I kissed you and you kissed me too and I finally felt free. The next year was magical. But after a while the honeymoon phase wore off and things got rough but you stuck with me. You loved me through the stress of art school and your writing school and just life in general. You were always here with me even if I pushed and shoved you away. That is true love. Love I've always dreamed of but thought I could never achieve. And I guess what I'm trying to say but am kinda failing at is, Hanna Amelia Ross, in front of no one in particular, will you make me the happiest woman alive and marry me?"

"Oh my god! Yes! I love you so much Wynnie!" Hanna practically screamed. Wyn stood up and kissed Hanna with so much love and passion.

"I love you so much too."

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