Short Story 12- The Lyssa Project

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Ophelia was doing homework on her bed when her phone started ringing. She smiled when she saw the caller ID, Lyssa. Her girlfriend, the girl she loved most. She quickly picked up.

"Hey baby, what's up?" She asked but didn't get a reply, just a quiet sob, "Lyssa?" she paused for a minute but the sobs continued, "Alyssandra? Baby what happened? Talk to me, please?"

"I'm sorry." Alyssandra said so quietly it was almost inaudible.

"For what?"

"For everything."

"What does that mean?"

"I'm so sorry Ophelia but I can't do this anymore."

"Lyssa, you're scaring me."

"I can't live like this anymore."


"I love you, Ophelia." then the line went dead.

"Lyssa?" Ophelia's panic increased with every second, "Alyssandra?! Baby?! Alyssandra answer me!" She quickly ran downstairs and threw on her black high top converse without tying them and her denim jacket, grabbed her keys, and ran out the door, not telling her parents where she was going, she was too panicked and scared. Normally it was a 15 minute drive to Alyssandra's house from Ophelia's but from how much she worried, she got there in five. What she didn't know, she was five minutes too late. She practically jumped out of her car and pounded on Alyssandra's door. Her mom answered the door to the frantic girl.

"Ophelia? What's wrong?" she asked calmly but insanely confused.

"Where's Lyssa?"

"In her room, why?" Ophelia pushed passed her and ran up the stairs to Alyssandra's room. She tried to open the door but it didn't budge. She locked the door, of course. Lucky for Ophelia, she always had a bobby pin on her and she knew how to pick locks. She picked the lock and it clicked. She turned the knob and pushed it open. What she saw was horrifying. Lyssa, lying on her bed, her blood soaking her sheets. Her wrists slit and unconscious, Ophelia dropped to her knees and screamed in agony. The scream caused Alyssandra's parents to run to their daughter's room.

Four Months Later

She paced around her living room with a scissors in her hand. Memories and flashbacks flashed through her mind. Tainted memories of the love of her life. Things she didn't want to remember.

"Oh my God, Lyssa! Don't you ever open your eyes?"

"What the hell does that mean?"

"It means that I like you!"

"You what?"

"I like you so much."

"I like you too."

The day she finally confessed her feelings after months of pining after her. The memory that she used to dream about and smile about when she woke up made her cry now.

"This is gonna sound stupid but I really want to ask you this." Alyssandra said.

"Ok?" Ophelia said, sounding confused as she was.

"Ophelia Molina, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes!" Ophelia squealed and kissed her.

Ophelia wanted it all to stop. She couldn't do it anymore. More and more memories came back to her, making the pain worse and worse.

They cuddled on Alyssandra's bed and talked.

"Hey Lyssa, do you think we have a future together?" Ophelia asked out of the blue.

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