Short Story 9

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Vivian Meyers

"LANEY!!!" Vivian laughed and yelled at the same time. Laney couldn't sit still. No matter how hard she tried or how much Vivian yelled, Laney always made Vivian laugh. It was just their dynamic. Maybe that's why Viv loved her so much, "Laney, stop it. Sit still. I need this to work."

"Ugh, come on Viv!" Laney begged for the millionth time while standing up and grabbing Vivian's hand that wasn't holding a camera, "Let's do something fun."

"Ok, fine, like what?"

"Like, um, oh, let's go to Bainbridge Island!"

"What are we gonna do at Bainbridge?"

"Walk around, look at all the art stores. Oh! I need new writing pens."

"Lane, you have a ton of writing pens and notebooks."

"Yeah, but I could get more."

"Do you really need more?"


"Ok, fine. I'm bringing my camera."

"Yay!" Laney hugged her and practically ran out the door. Viv drove to the ferry port and Laney practically ran everywhere. Laney loved looking out at the water. Viv loved looking at Laney. The way her eyes sparkled when she was excited. The way her wavy brunette hair blew in the wind. She was picture perfect. Another thing Vivian loved about Laney.

"Viv? Vivi you ok?" Laney snapped her out of her daydream.

"Yeah, yeah I'm all good."

"Ok, well come on." Laney said and pulled Viv off the ferry, "Let's get some food."

"Ok." They went off to find a restaurant and they sat down at the first one they saw. They ordered their food and started talking. 

Laney Thompson

She couldn't stop looking at Vivian. She was in love with her. Her beautiful, slightly crooked smile. Her big brown eyes and long flowing black hair. The way she made her laugh and smile. Vivian made Laney feel so warm, happy, and alive. She knew this was love. It was new and exciting but scary. She was so scared about how her best friend would react if she found out.

"Laney?" Viv asked.


"You didn't hear a word I said did you?"

"I'm sorry Vivi."

"Anyway I was saying how can we go to some of the art stores and a park next to the water."

"Yeah, totally."

"Are you ok Laney?" No I'm not!

"Yeah I'm ok Viv."

"Ok. Love you, Laney."

"Love you too." Laney said with a smile. They spent the day together like always. Running around art stores. Laney bought more and more colorful notebooks and pens. They walked down the beach with ice cream as the sun started going down. They walked down in the beach in this comfortable silence. Then Laney took a leap of faith.


"You never call me Vivian. Are you ok?" She was right she never called her Vivian, it was always Viv or Vivi.

"Not really."

"Laney, what's going on?"

"You can be mad and yell if you want. I'm giving you an out if you want to leave. I'm really sorry and-" Laney rambled on and Viv stopped.

"Laney, Laney, Laney, breathe."

"I'm really sorry and you can totally hate me."

"I'll never hate you."

"And I really should tell you this because it's really bothering me but I'm really scared."

"You can tell me anything."

"I love you Vivian." Laney blurted out.

"What? Laney I love you too. I tell you that all the time."

"No, Viv, I'm in love with you." Vivian went quiet, "I'm really sorry Viv. I didn't mean to. You can totally leave if you want to. I won't blame you at all."

"Laney, calm down. I'm never ever gonna leave you. I'm never gonna hate you ever. I love you too-"

"But..." Laney looked down at her beaten up white converse. Vivian lifted her chin up to look at her. She kissed her really quick. Something that caught them both by surprise. Laney kissed her again. Slow and sweet, filled with all the love in the world. Vivian pulled away and rested her forehead against Laney's.

"There is no but. I love you so much Laney, so much."

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