Short Story 21- Soul Pulse

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Soul pulses, the phenomenon that controls this world. Who we talk to, who we trust, who we grow up close to, who we fall in love with. They say at one point they didn't exist. That people found out how compatible you are by getting to know each other. Now that's all dictated by a single touch.

In this world we are blessed. We never have to question the future because the gift is given to us with a touch of skin. The moment you touch someone else, if your compatible, your souls start to pulse. One to three is pretty basic, acquaintances. Four to six times, you'll be pretty good friends. Seven to nine means you're fairly capable to fall in love. At the very least you'll be best friends. And that ten, that perfect ten, that's your soul mate.

Everyone seems hellbent on finding their soulmates, but I've never pulsed with anyone. I've always been alone. I don't have a soul mate and I'm okay with that.

It's kind of an insane world. I'm lucky enough to pulse with almost everyone I meet.

Soul mates are rare in this world. Most people marry someone who pulse seven to nine times.

Most people never find their soul mates. There's billions of people in the world after all and only one soul mate, but I know in my heart, I will find them. That they're somewhere out there waiting for me.

No one's out there waiting for me.

I'll find them.

I'll always be alone.

And when I do, I'll remind them everyday that they're not alone. I will always be there for my soul mate.

Or maybe I won't be alone but the concept of soul mates won't dictate my life.

Wait for me soul mate.

I'll never pulse with anyone.

I'll find you, I promise.

A girl sat down by a big fountain. She set her messenger bag full of pencils and sketchpads and lemonade next to her. Her shoulder length black hair was pulled back into a ponytail. She wore black jeans, black combat boots and a gray short sleeve tee shirt with an old camera on it. She looked up at the sky and started doodling in her sketchbook that had her name painted on the front.

"Hey there, cutie." Laili said, sitting next to a girl at the fountain.

"Um hi." The girl said looking up confused as to why this random person was talking to her.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing sitting here all alone?"

"Drawing, enjoying the music."

"There's a jazz fest going on right now."

"Actually, it's a blues festival."

"Same thing. What're you drawing?" Laili asked noticing the sketch book the other girl was holding.

"The sky."

"Well you know, there's more beautiful things to draw."

 "Not Really. Have you seen the sky? It's never the same, even when there's nothing in it, the colors change. I can't get over how beautiful it is."

"I was gonna say me, but that definitely tops my answer."


"There is one thing that is more beautiful."

"And that would be?"


"Um... are you flirting with me?"

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