Short Story 2

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The last thing he heard was the sound of tires skidding across the road. Lila was at the soccer game already.

"I don't know where he is." She said to his coach.

"Call him again."

"I've called him 10 times."

"Call him again, Lila." A pit started to grow in her stomach. She knew something was wrong. He never missed a game. Not unless he was forced to. He never missed a call from Lila. He always responded. She stood on the sidelines as the game started. She called him over and over again, each time begging him to pick up the phone. She got a call from his mother.

"Mrs. Lawrence? What's going on? Where is Bryson?" Lila said worried beyond imaginable.

"You need to come to the hospital now." Mrs. Lawrence said. She sounded scared.

"What happened?" Lila asked, her voice breaking.

"Lila hurry." Mrs. Lawrence hung up and Lila ran to her car. She drove as fast as she could. She somehow managed not to get pulled over as she was going at least 10 over the speed limit. She burst through the doors of the hospital. She found Bryson's family. Mrs. Lawrence looked to be on the verge of tears and Mr. Lawrence was stone cold.

"What happened?! Is he ok?!" Lila asked trying not to yell.

"His car broke down on the way to the game. He started to run and was hit by an on coming car. It was a hit and run. We don't know anymore than that." Mrs. Lawrence said, barely getting through it without breaking down. Lila sat down next to Bryson's little sister. Her bottom lip was trembling as she was trying to stay strong. Lila pulled her close as she cried. They waited there for what seemed like an entirety. She checked the clock on her phone, 3:45 a.m. She's been waiting there for nine hours. The doctor finally came out. "He's out of surgery, but lost a lot of blood. He has significant brain damage and very little activity. He might not wake up. We had resuscitate him twice. I suggest you prepare for the worst but you may see him." The doctor turned around and they followed him to his room. His mother couldn't handle seeing her son connected to all the machines. His dad had to take her out of the room. His sister cried in the corner. Lila climbed into the small hospital bed next to him. She couldn't help but cry.

"Hey, I know you probably can't hear me." Lila started, shakily, "they said to prepare for the worst but I know your gonna wake up. You have to wake up for me, for your mom, for your dad, for Missy. We need you. I need you. I love you and I want to spend my life with you. I want the life we daydreamed about. Our kids and house. Our life. We're gonna have it all. We'll be happy. So you have to wake up. Your not gonna die on me. Not before our lives have started." It was a little bit before the adrenaline that was keeping Lila awake wore off and she fell asleep. She was woken by the quick paced beeps. It took her a second to realize that Bryson was crashing. His parents and sister were already outside. His mother sobbing in his father's shoulder. Lila couldn't feel anything but she knew she was being pushed out of the room. She started crying, hard. The doctors started CPR and shocked him twice before stopping. Why were they stopping? They shouldn't be stopping. They needed to save him. This can't happening. No no no. NO!

"Time of death 6:54."

Lila couldn't breathe. She couldn't hear anything. She knew she was screaming. Her throat felt raw and the tears wouldn't stop. She felt someone pull her into a tight hug. She didn't look to see who it was. She fought back.  They needed to save him. They can't let him die. She gave up. She sobbed into the persons chest. This can't be real.

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