Short Story 24- Monologue

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In my theater class we were writing monologues and so this is mine. It's the role of a mother.

I need to speak to you. Look what I found, what is this.

(she holds up a diary)

No- this is my time to speak. I am thoroughly offended about this. Must be nice to hate your mother. Hey, you don't get to speak. I don't care that this was hidden in your drawer. Of course I went through your room. You live in my house, so I have the right. You also left your phone on the counter so I looked through that too. Who's Jadyn and Julian. Why are you lying to them. I am a great mother. All I have done is provide for you. And this is how you treat me? You don't talk to me anymore. I am your mother, goddamn it! You should tell me things! You don't have weight issues and I don't make them worse! You are not depressed and you are not anxious! No, no! You are done! No more! I don't care that it was private. Privacy doesn't exist in this house. You are so ungrateful! You are grounded. Laptop only for school. No phone and I am taking this notebook.

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