Short Story 3- All I've Ever Known

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Emmy got a text from Amelia. She opened it and read it.

Meet me in my mom's old classroom.

She looked at it confused. They haven't been there since they started high school.

Why? She texted back.

Please? Amelia responded. She went to find her mom to tell her she was meeting her best friend. When she couldn't find her, she assumed she was working and texted her. She walked to her old middle school. She went to Macy's old classroom to find Macy holding a single red rose with a note attached to the stem. Macy handed it to the girl and she read the note.

This is where it all began. Where I first saw you. You were wearing jeans and an astronomy t-shirt, reading a book. You smiled at me. Meet me in the lunchroom.

She looked at Macy confused.

"Go on Em." Macy said with a smile. Emmy smiled back and walked to the lunchroom to see Ollie sitting at their old table holding a rose. She took it and read the note attached.

This is where you talked to me for the first time. It was obvious that Ollie had a crush on you, but you were oblivious. It was cute. Meet me at my old locker.

She hugged Ollie. He whispered good luck in her ear and she ran off to find locker 274. She saw Josh standing there, holding another rose. She took it and read the note.

This is where we became friends. We spent every waking moment together. You became my first best friend. Meet me in your room.

Getting excited, she hugged Josh and ran home. She opened the door and ran to her room. She found Rosa- Macy's wife and Amelia's other mom- holding another rose. She hugged Rosa and read the note attached to the flower.

This is where I figured out I really trusted you and have someone to run to. This is where I met my new mothers. Meet me in our bay window.

"Go get her." Rosa said hugging her again. She ran to Amelia's apartment. She climbed the fire escape to the always open window. She found her parents sitting in the place she and Amelia sat. They gave her the rose.

This is where I fell in love with you and where I like to think where you fell in love with me. It also where I confessed my feelings. Meet me on the roof.

Emmy hugged her parents and her mom kissed the top of her head. She climbed to the roof to see Amelia with three roses and a speaker. It played their song.

I was alone so long
I didn't even know that I was lonely

Amelia stepped towards Emmy. Giving her the flowers. Emmy noticed there was no note attached.

Out in the cold so long
I didn't even know that I was cold

Emmy smiled at Amelia.

Turned my collar to the wind
This is how it's always been

"This is where I kissed you. Laying here looking at the sky." Amelia said.

All I've ever known is how to hold my own
All I've ever known is how to hold my own
But now I wanna hold you, too

"I used to think there was no hope and no happy endings."

You take me in your arms
And suddenly there's sunlight all around me

"Then I met you and you showed me that there is hope and light at the end of the tunnel."

Everything bright and warm
And shining like it never did before

"I met my parents, my first friends, my first best friend."

And for a moment I forget
Just how dark and cold it gets

"I fell in love with you in that bay window."

All I've ever known is how to hold my own
All I've ever known is how to hold my own
But now I wanna hold you

"You brought me up here one night and played this song. We made it our song."

Now I wanna hold you, hold you close
I don't wanna ever have to let you go

"You asked me to dance. I told you I didn't know how."

But when I saw you all alone against the sky
It's like I'd known you all along

"You said to follow you and I did."

I knew you before we met
And I don't even know you yet

"I kissed you. And I think you liked it. You didn't pull away."

All I know is you're someone I have always known
All I know is you're someone I have always known
And I don't even know you

"What we have is amazing. I wanted a special thing to ask you."

Now I wanna hold you, hold you close
I don't wanna ever have to let you go

"Emily Violet Miller,"

Suddenly the sunlight
Bright and warm

"Will you-"

Suddenly I'm holding the world in my arms
Say that you'll hold me forever

"Be my-"

Say that we'll stay with each other
And it will always be like this



Then it will always be like this

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