Short Story 10

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Finley heard a knock at her door. She opened it to see Dawn trying not to cry.

"Dawn? What happened?" Finley said and pulled her into a hug.

"I-I did this thing where I recorded myself. Can you listen to it with me?" Finley nodded and they sat on the couch. Dawn pressed play and the recording started.

"Hello Dawn, It's me Dawn. Wow, this is stupid. I can't sleep anymore. It feels like the weight of my life is on my chest and I can't breathe. And I see my friends. The people I love and I'm so tired. Maybe too tired to be there for them.  I'm failing them. I hate that I'm failing them. People always tell me be happy because you have an amazing life. I feel like shit when they say that because I know. My problems don't matter and I know that. I'm failing them all. I'm not good enough for this. I'm not good enough for anything. Nothing I do is good enough. I can't help the people I love and that drives me insane because I said I would be there. I don't know how to help. I don't know how to be me. I'm pulled in every direction by everyone who needs me. and I wanna be there. I always wanna be there and I hate it when I can't. I want to be perfect and please everyone but how can I do that when I can't feel anything. I don't eat anymore. I don't sleep anymore and I have no motivation. I can't do this anymore. What's the point of living if I can't feel anything anymore?"

The recording stopped and Dawn broke.

"You were right. The person in that recording is not ok, and I know what the last part sounds like but I promise I would never do that. I swear Finley." Dawn said still crying.

"I know, but I know you know healthy brains don't go to that place. You need help Dawn."

"But I shouldn't need it!"

"Yes you do because that isn't ok. Sometimes we need things we don't want."

"I'm so so sorry Finley. I really am."

"Its ok Dawn but you need help before this becomes even worse."

"I know."

"I'm gonna be there with you the entire time. I will always be there."

"I love you, Finley."

"I love you too, Dawn."

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