Short Story 19- The Sun

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"Yes, you can."


"No, you don't. That's why I'm doing this. No one needs me when I'm like this. Live your life, don't let me hold you back. This is goodbye, Crimson. You Know I'll always love you."

"NO!!!" beep, beep, beep.

That was the day the love of her life died. She had a death wish and Crimson couldn't save her. She had been so calm on that call, then she swallowed an entire bottle of sleeping pills. That broke Crimson, everyone could see it. She hit her breaking point when Becca hung up that day. She snapped, her heart shattered into a million pieces that could never be put back together. She stopped eating, talking, smiling. It was a struggle to get out of bed. Each step felt like the weight of a million tons of bricks. Everyday she went to their place and nearly died. That swing-set at the park meant so much and now it was all tainted. Memories of where she came from and  who she was all tainted. She couldn't help it anymore. She felt like she was on a rollercoaster that only went downhill and all she wanted to do was get off it. She hated being without Becca. Becca was her sun and her sun went out, so what does it matter if the life goes out of Crimson too? What's stopping her? She wrote her note, signing it with,

I'm with Becca now, I love you, Crimson.

She taped the note on the front door and went into the bathroom. The only room with a lock on the door. She went to lock it but hesitated, did she really want this? he couldn't live like this anymore, that's her answer. She started sobbing as she flipped the razor blade in her fingers. Becca flashed in her mind. Memories she wishes she didn't remember.

"Can we please try on the dresses?"

"Becca, we're fifteen, we're not going to prom anytime soon."

"But wouldn't it be fun just to try on the dresses?"

"Ok, fine."

"Thank you! Ugh, god, I love you." Becca hugged her. Crimson nearly melted from a simple hug.

"Oh my god! Crimson, what the fuck happened?!" Becca screamed at the beaten and bloody girl laying outside her window. She could barely walk but managed to stand up without passing out. Becca helped her into her bathroom to clean her up. Crimson didn't need to say what happened, the only person who beat her, and to this extent, was her father.

The pounding on her door was urgent and continuous. Crimson opened the door and Becca almost fell over.

"Becca? Why are you here?"

"I have something to say."


"Crimson Hayes, you're more than my best friend. You mean so much more to me. I love you."

"I love you too."

"No, I mean I'm in love with you."

"Becca, I know."

"Wait, you're in love with me too?"

"Shut up and kiss me already."

"I hate studying." Becca groaned flopping back onto Crimson's bed. 

Crimson laughed, "Well we have a test tomorrow and I would really like to pass."

"C, you're like the smartest kid in that class."

"That is so not true."

"It is but that's beside the point. I'm bored."

"Ok and what do you think we should do?"

"Oh I have an idea." Becca smirked.

"What are we doing here Becca?"

"It's the bridge."

"Yes I know, why are we here?"

"Story has it that if a couple carves their names in the bridge their love lasts forever."

"That's some stupid urban legend like Bigfoot or something."

"Well I think it's true and we're gonna do it." Becca says pulling out a pocket knife. She carves C.H+B.K into the old wood, "There. Crimson Hayes, we are not forever.

Each memory burned her heart like fire. Pain she didn't want to feel. The words echoed in her mind, we are now forever. She swore she saw Becca standing in front of her. Flickering like a quick animation drawn in a notebook, smiling and holding her arms out for a hug. Something Crimson missed so much was the safety she felt in Becca's arms. She closed her eyes and let the darkness succumb her. What happened next was a whirlwind of colors. Her mother came home early and saw the note on the door. She found her daughter, passed out and bleeding. She called 911 for an ambulance. They got to the hospital and they tried to save her. They did everything they could but they were too late.

Beep. Beep. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep...

She was gone. Ghosts, pale and cold, in the arms of the person they loved most.

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