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The day passed by quickly enough, though it had only just been the first day of school, a lot of assignments were given and now that they were in high school, school seemed much more serious. Though Yeonjun ended up as Soobin's desk partner in every class, they couldn't talk much in class and since the five of them had decided to walk home together, Soobin hadn't really got to speak to Yeonjun as well on this day.

As the five of them walked home together, they talked about random dumb things like their favorite comics and their favorite celebrities. The first people to leave were Beomgyu and Taehyun, they said their goodbyes and took a different turn, then it was just Soobin, Yeonjun and Kai.

"Man, perhaps I want a love like theirs," Yeonjun said, referring to Beomgyu and Taehyun as they walked away, Taehyun's arm around Beomgyu's shoulders.

"I literally still don't believe it when you say that Soobin and you aren't a thing." Kai replied.

Soobin blushed at this.

"You really need to shut up, Kai. Anyway, I take this turn so I'm taking my leave. Don't dare bother Soobin, Kai," Yeonjun jokingly warned Kai.

"Bye, guys. See you tomorrow!" Yeonjun said as he walked off alone.

Both Kai and Soobin gave their farewells to Yeonjun and continued walking together.

As soon as Yeonjun seemed out of earshot, Kai spoke up, "Just because y'all aren't dating right now don't worry, eh? It's bound to happen sooner or later"

Soobin though going slightly pink, spoke up, "Yeonjunnie's right, you really should just shut up about that already"

"Hmm~" Kai replied.

There was a short silence and then Kai suddenly spoke up, "Say, you aren't homophobic or something, are you? I mean, at this point, my gaydar is saying that you're either a raging homosexual or a homophobic bastard."

With a sigh, Soobin replied, "It shouldn't matter, should it? Anyway, I'm not homophobic or anything, I'll just say it here because for some reason, everyone seems to be assuming that today"

"Glad to hear that, being prejudiced wouldn't have sat right with us, haha"

There was another silence, this time, it felt more comfortable and natural. Soobin seemed to be in deep thoughts, Kai was just happily humming some tunes to himself. Soon Soobin's house came into view and he said, "Hey, I stop here so bye."

"Bye bye," Kai waved.

Soobin waved back and entered his house, Kai watched Soobin go and then he too, headed home, thinking about the talk he had had just then, with Soobin.

"I wonder if they like each other though, I mean I do think Soobin's into guys so there's a probability that the dude he's crushing on right now is Yeonjun."

Kai kicked at a pebble with his shoe, continuing his train of thoughts.

"Yeonjun, hmmm. He does talk more in comparison to Soobin but when it comes to reading his emotions, he's really difficult. I can't tell what he thinks of Soobin at all. His gray eyes always seem so honest, I can't tell what he's thinking at all! He did say that he'd want a relationship like Boem's but maybe he's just a straight guy who respects the gays, but maybe it was his gay yearning showing through. Argh, he's so difficult read, I can't even tell if he's even into guys in the first place. He does really seem to care about my sweet Soobin but I don't know if it's just the care he has for his friends or if there's more. I hope he only sees Soobin as a friend really. I mean, if he actually... if he actually does like Soobin in that way, I don't knowwww, I don't think I could win Yeonjun."

Kai looked up at the sky, almost as if he was praying to the Lord.

"I mean, I've finally found another guy I like after ... after that experience. I really hope I can at least be granted one chance with Soobin. I don't even know why I'm getting so worked up over this, I mean, I really should stop idolizing everyone as soon as I meet them..."

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