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"I had loved and I had lost and gain from it, but there are greater times where that love will be the death of me." - Jasmine

Chapter thirty. Letting go.

Jacob Williams

Furious. I was utterly furious that all the utensils in my newly stocked kitchen had been smashed to the wall. My fist bled from the numerous times I had thrown it at the wall. I now sat silently at the counter, with my head down and fist balled. I don't remember the last time I was this angry. I had never had the urge to strangle someone so much. The feeling was intent, and Jace knew it. That was why the minute Hannah's friends contacted him and told him what had happened, he drove here like a bat out of hell to separate me from the others that hasn't seen me lose control before.

It has been hours and there was still no information from her. The last time I heard her voice was two hours ago and our conversation was rudely cut short by- I could only presume was Damon and I could only hope that bastard hasn't touch her or I swear to my bloody creator I will destroy his face that he won't even recognise himself once he look in the mirror.

There was no use of tracking Hannah's phone because obviously Damon would have destroyed it. All we could do now was search the clues which firstly was Rebecca. I had called her several times but it went straight to voice mail. It wouldn't take a genius to know she was involved.

My mind searched through all the possibilities of where they could keep Hannah and my head ached from all of the swirling information in my mind. I knew she would never keep her at her house because her parents were there. My greatest hint would be her parent's beach house. She had been boasting about it ever since she knew I was here and invited me once but I never went, the problem was I have no idea where it was.

I abruptly rose from the seat and sauntered towards my empty living room with furniture's still covered with plastic and were still pushed up against the wall.

Everyone was here, even Dawson who had been quite gloomy lately. They had several clipped papers in front of them with pictures on them, which I already knew were useless while Jace hacked the CCTV cameras at the arena and its surroundings.

"I need you guys to check something." All their eyes averted to me except for Jace who only glanced at me then returned to his computer, "could you find out where the Jones beach house is located, she might be there, I don't know, it's worth checking though." My voice was filled with fatigue but also worry and anger.

Jade quickly pulled out her phone and called someone. We all sent her a questioning gaze and she told us to wait with her finger, which indicated that whoever she called had picked up. She placed the phone on loud speaker then placed it on the floor in front of her.

"Hey Jamie." She spoke so confidently and sweetly. My eyebrow rose because I had never heard that tone from her. Once this Jamie person responded I noticed how Liam clenched his fist and his face morphed into distaste. Jade quickly reached for his hand and entwined their fingers are she resumed her cheery conversation with the stranger.

"Hey baby girl, how you been? It's been a while, you finally let go of Justin Bieber?" Liam's face was hard and if it was possible the phone would have already been lit on fire from his glare only.

"Oh you know I haven't, he's my babe for life." Jade reassured Liam then placed a kiss on his lips which calmed him down slightly. As much as their affection were adorable, she needed to cut to the chase because their little show had begun to irritate me. I miss Hannah.

"Alright, just remember if he messes up, I'm here baby girl, so what's up?" Liam rolled his eyes and pulled Jade closer to him as she answered.

"You remember that party you invited me to last summer to the Jones beach house, I was wondering if you remember the address because I was on my way now, but I sorta left the address at home, me and the girls were invited there for the weekend." She asked timidly and seconds later she received the address.

"Oh yeah it's right outside of Riley up north, one way road when you reach Malbow beach." Jade smiled brightly and fist bumped the air which I silently chuckled at.

"Thanks Jamie, I owe you one." She ended the call and the first thing she caught was Liam's glare. Jade smiled innocently and pecked his lips, seconds later his face had turned scarlet.

"Jamie still tapping for that ass huh?" Kassey teased with her familiar smirk and Jade sent her a warning look while Liam groan in anger.

"You're not helping." Jade hissed and I sighed which got their attention and halted there childish back and forth.

"I'm going to check up there, worth a try." I told them as I sauntered towards the door and Jace became alert.

"Wait! Hold on mate, you can't go there alone, there's a great possibility they're there so I'm going with you." He ended with a tone that demanded to not fight him then Bryan came towards us.

"I'm coming too, the girls will stay and check the other leads." It was obvious he purposely said girls which included Liam and presumed it was so he could lighten the mood but my mind was far from that.

Everyone agreed and soon enough, Jace, Bryan and I were on the road driving a speed that I was positive was illegal.


Over thirty minutes later, we had finally reached the one way road which was in fact a dirt road. It was apparently the only vehicle access road and the other way, we had to walk on the beach to reach the beach house which could take more time.

When we were a quarter mile away I pulled over and we walked the rest of the way. The boys and I now stood outside the large beach house and took a deep calming breath both from anger and nervousness.

Jace's face was solemn and focused as he analysed the house before we wandered inside. I am almost impotent at the minute but those feelings and reluctance is not an option, the more I stand and think Hannah may be injured or worse.

I groaned quite irritated with my lack of confidence which could only put Hannah's life in more danger. After the reason why I had drove over an hour to reach here dawned on me, the familiar anger took over me and I began to stride forward with an agenda.

My anger filled faced then morphed into horror once I heard the gunshot from inside the house followed with a scream. My feet then moved on its own and seconds later I had knocked down the door and stepped inside then my eyes widened in horror at what I saw.


Well well...he not happy.


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