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"Why fight for someone who doesn't even want to be with you ."-Jasmine

Chapter eleven. Mr. Possessive.


The lunch time detention was bonkers. Principal Martin either knew about it or it didn't register to him that lunch was over.
Even though I escaped detention today I still need to restock the genitor’s closet and I hope it won't be that bad.

Before I reached my last class which was English Lit coach Fleming called me in his office and I screamed inwardly. I already know what's coming, if the principal likes me too much to punish me, coach doesn't give two shit.

I entered his office and fixed my strap on my shoulder then sent him an innocent smile.

"Don't give me that look young lady. You want to explain to me why you were fighting not so long ago?"

My smile instantly dropped and I sighed.
"No, but it's not like I have a choice."

He raised an eyebrow at me and crossed his arms on his chest and I gulped.

Since when was he so scary.

"She was saying some pretty anger fuelling words so I lost it. I apologise it won't happen again on school premises."

"Just because you used the phrase 'on school premises' doesn't mean you should be doing it. You and your anger need to get on the same level, do I make myself clear?"

He said in a stern voice as if he was talking to and eight year old. I almost gave a sarcastic remark but I held back. After meeting his gaze I sighed and nodded.

"Don't be late for practice." He called as I walked out of his office.

After class was over I went straight to practice. It went swiftly and smoothly since we already trained this morning. I didn't get another encounter with Jake and I thanked god for it. I don't even know how I would face him after the shocking news I received. It hurts and I wish it didn't. In the whole female population he slept with a girl that thighs opens like the bloody Walmart!

I trudged on the side walk on my way home when someone suddenly stopped beside me. Out of instinct, I threw a punch at him out of defense, thankfully he knew how to block it.

"Easy there I think your fist has had enough." Dawson chuckled and returned my hands on my side.

"God sorry! I didn't mean to-"

"Hannah, it’s alright I get it." He cut me off slightly amused then matched my pace as I strolled in silence with my head bent low and followed the movement of my feet.

"Hey let's go have a bite, there’s a diner up ahead, and your cheeks needs ice." He suddenly suggested. I was about to deny, not in the mood for company but my stomach suddenly growled.

I cursed under my breath and he laughed. I followed behind him as he prowled towards Raves dinner not uttering a word.

When we reached inside we took an empty table and placed our orders along with a packet of ice.

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