03| Encounter

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"Being away from the person you love for a long time is a whole lot worse when you think you no longer love them until they're standing right infront of you."-Jasmine"

Hannah Jensen

Two years later.

I've repeated the same trivial routine every morning for the past two years, and yet it was still a stretch to get my lethargic self out of bed, in other words, it's as irritating as the first time I attempted it.

Albeit, it's the start of my last year in highschool, I still wanted to remain in my bed, however the gigantic and radiant ball of heat glared at my face, and that task was proven impossible. I buried my head in my pillow, groaning, hoping to release some frustration and laziness which was of course muffled by the thickness.

I rolled off the bed then trudged towards the bathroom to begin my morning routine, pointedly sulking since I was not a morning person.

Also, when the fact that the three months of lounging around was over became a reccurent alarm clock in my head, I nearly grunted as I prepared myself for school.

After a nerve soothing shower, which forced me out of my dream state. I then attempted to tame my unkempt hair my combing it, and tying it in a high bun, then dressed in a black shirt with the Nike logo and black joggers with the same logo. Some people can't do it but I pulled it off like a pro.

I pulled on my white space jams and made my way down the flight of stairs, and greeted my mother in the kitchen who was preparing breakfast, then kissed her cheek. After being slapped with the spoon on my hand for trying to steal bacon, I sauntered away, towards the living room and saw my two brothers playing video games.

I decided to spoil their fun so I stood right in front of the TV.

"Hannah you're going to make me lose!" They shouted simultaneously which was quite eerie. I laughed at their expression when they saw the giant game over written in red on the dark screen.

"You guys are supposed to be getting ready for school. Hailey will be picking us up and I am not going to ask her to wait for you, so can you at least attempt to look like you know the definition of hygiene."

I stated smugly as I pointed upstairs, and they glared as they raced each other up the stairs for a shower. I chuckled and returned to the kitchen.

Several minutes later, the doorbell rang, and it took me less than a second to pull it open and found Hailey who stood there with a wide apologetic grin plastered on her face clad in a white T-shirt and black jeans plus a leather jacket and her hair in a high pony tail. She had a pale complexion as if she was about to throw up.

Believe me, I know the feeling.

She walked towards me and envelope me in a bear hug. "Hello there best friend, I missed you." I pushed her away gently and looked at her weirdly then cradled her face and chuckled lightly as I placed a kiss on her forehead.

"You saw me yesterday H, and you're later than usual." She laughed it off then and skipped to the kitchen when she heard my mother scream pancakes. I closed the front door and headed to the kitchen, slumping on the seat next to her on a stool that were placed in a line in front of the counter.

Not long after, my mother placed two other plates of pancakes on the counter, and like clock work, my two gluttonous brothers stumbled in the kitchen like animals who were forced to starved for days. They didn't spare a single glance at anyone, they had already dug in the two plates of pancakes.

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