*Twenty three*

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"The tides are too high, and I would drown. But I will follow that light in the distance because that is where you are." -Jasmine

Chapter twenty three. Trials between.

Hannah Jensen.

Two days ago was memorable. Jake and I spent the whole of that day on his bed and we made love for hours. Yes, love. I could never call it only sex because it was completely different from what we had done before. Our whole being were as one and our movements were in sync. I memorized every bit of his body and his my own.

The day after, I only grinned like a complete idiot and Jake figured I should go see my friends, including Hailey after, who had finally woken up. I could never protest to such deeds but part of me was afraid of what they would say.

And that was that. A day spent with Jake made me believe it was only he and I and nothing was wrong. For a few hours I forgot that I was in a state of remorse and depression and I believed in the back of my head Hailey would be absolutely fine the next time I see her. Those temporary blissful thoughts may had done me good for some time, but afterwards I felt guilty because I forgot she was in that condition.

We stood right outside Jason's door and minutes later it was pulled open by him. He and Jake did the bro hug then I was pulled in his arms. I felt his familiar warmth and I sighed. I never realised I missed him as much as I did until I felt his muscular arms around me that began to block my air way.

"Jace. I can't-I can't breath." I murmured with strangled breath and he quickly pulled away. He sent me an apologetic look which I only shook my head at then wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his chest.

"I missed you sis." He mumbled.

"I missed you too."

Tears brimmed in my eyes but I prevented them from falling. Once we finally pulled away I noticed Jake's eyes on us and he only stared at us in awe other than jealousy.

The three of us sat together and reminisced on our old times while we waited for the others.

Throughout the interesting conversation, I rose from the sofa and wandered down the corridor to the kitchen. I was not famished but I craved some sweetness so when I spotted a jar of nutella I grinned and placed it on the counter.

I spent over five minutes struggling to open it and for someone that's athletic it infuriated me and I almost gave up but someone walked in and I jumped from his voice.

"You need some help with that?"

I squealed when his voice broke through the silence. My action made it obvious that I took something I shouldn't and once he noticed the jar of nutella that sat on the counter behind me he shook his head, amused.

"Let me." I handed the jar to him and he opened it with ease. I gaped but whispered a thank you then took out a spoon and jumped on the counter.

I had a strong urge to ask how he was but I refrained myself from it because I had no idea how he felt. Apparently my expression screamed what I thought because he only sighed and took the spoon away from me and licked the nutella I had put on it.

I was at the brink of flipping off but I remained calm and told myself that now was not the time.

"To be honest I don't know how I feel. But I know one thing for sure, I'm not giving up hope."

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