*Thirty four*

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"When it comes to a choice I will always choose me because that will mean I am choosing you and I will always trust you to catch me before I fall. "- Jasmine Vidot

Chapter thirty four. Missed you more.

Jacob Williams

Two months later

I admired the picture of Hannah and I on my phone and a smile automatically came to my face. I just left the graduation ceremony and I was now in the car with my parents and little sister heading to my childhood home. Audrey was laying her head on my shoulder as she stared blankly at my screen while my parents conversed with each other.

"Who's she?" She asked in her sweet innocent voice. I turned towards her and smiled at her before I answered.

"That's my queen. Or future wife. The love of my life...” I mumbled still in daze staring at Hannah's picture.

"I don't know what those are but I know what queen is. She really looks like a princess." "She does doesn't she." She nodded and I smiled at her then kissed her forehead.

"I always wanted to meet a princess, can I meet her?" She stared at me pleadingly and I chuckled.

"You already met her when you were younger. But don't worry Drey, you will. Soon." Her eyes brightened and she hugged me then went back to staring at the picture.

I can't wait to see you my love.

I looked out the window then my eyes turned towards my parents and my dad was staring at me with a knowing smirk while my mom sent me an approving smile.

I froze because I didn't know they were listening to Audrey and I's conversation.

My dad mouthed 'nice one son' while my mom laid her head on his shoulder and I smiled then nodded at him. I was actually really surprised by his reaction when I told him about what happened and about the baby. My father seldom let me off the hook when I do something he doesn’t agree with so his leniency surprised both me and my mother but we didn’t question it for good reason. And my mother, she practically baby’s me so all she did was lay next to me as I told her and once she cried I followed soon behind. She always did have that effect on me.


I've finally returned to Boston. Yesterday I celebrated with my parents and Audrey after graduation then I met up with Kevin and some other old friends for a ride around the city.

I decided to take a normal plane back and not one of my dad’s private jets now I wish I didn't. It’s taking forever for all the passengers to exit and I'm starting to get irritated.

I sighed in relief when I finally entered the airport. I didn't tell Hannah I would be back early I wanted to surprise her, so now I have to take a cab to her parents’ house.

I trudged in the lobby and maneuvered around all the people while I rolled my luggage but I was suddenly tackled to the ground. I groaned in pain when I landed on my back and the person quickly got up.

"Oh god I'm so sorry. I must have caught you off guard, I was just so excited and happy to see you that I could not hold myself because it's been so long and I missed you so much-"

I quickly cut her off by sealing our lips with a hot kiss. Her arms clung to my neck pulling her close while my arms went around her waist doing the same.

"I missed you more love."

She giggled then I captured her lips again.

"Hey no PDA!" Someone suddenly screamed which caused us to break away from the kiss and averted our gaze to the direction of the voice only to find a smirking Jason and Hailey while Hannah's friends stood behind them with similar expression on their faces.

More Than Twice| Open Wound #1✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang