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"Love is a smoke made from the fumes of sighs, being perjed of fires sparkle in lovers eyes."-shakespeare

Chapter sixteen. I’m the one.


I submerged under the soapy water, my eyelids closed. I relaxed and tried to not get too over exaggerated.

Gradually the water turned from hot to lukewarm and finally to cold. I bolted upright and sloshed water on the floor and carpet as I grappled for my phone which rang on the bed side table.

I saw the caller ID and I froze and stared at my phone screen and debated on whether or not I should pick up. It was School Of Arts calling probably to give more information about today and I hope it won't disappoint.

After the second ring I answered and stood silent and waited for the caller on the other end of the line to speak.

"Hello, am I speaking to Hannah Jensen?" A feminine voice asked. I was still frozen on the spot but I eventually answered in a nervous whisper.

"Um, yes this is she."

"Congratulations again miss I was just informing you that you're third in the twenty people in the semifinals and it would be held in four hours at Grooves Beat."

I felt the side of my lips quirked up into a full blown grin as I answered with an audible voice followed with a sign of relief.

"Ok thank you."

The call ended and I ran towards the bathroom to fetch a towel. I wrapped it around my still drenched body then blow dried my hair, the smile still plastered on my face.

After I finished I walked inside my walk in closet for a clean off shoulder grey shirt which printed 'I'm the one' on the front and a white flowy mid thigh skirt and white space jams.

For third place it's not bad but I need to push myself. Getting a chance to choose the college of my choice is a one time deal indeed.

I woke up early to prepare myself for the day and I'm sure everyone noticed that I was a little nervous. Well honestly it was for good reason because it's been quite a while since I've sang in front of a large crowd. The opening wasn't anything compared to today.

I just hope I don't make a fool of myself and fall on my face when I walk on the stage. Reaching downstairs, I took an apple and went to the living room to find all my friends there except Hailey.

She promised to come with me this time and now she was beautifying herself. I purposely took the empty space next to Jace and he threw his arm over my shoulder.

I smiled and leaned into him but while I did I caught the hard and venomous glaze of Jake.

Jace tried his utmost best to hide his smirk, but of course everyone caught it and snickered knowing the reason behind it. Honestly, I didn't pay much attention.

I knew Jace and I had never and never will be on that stage. Like I have said multiple times before he was like the big brother I never had. I may have the twins but I'm their big sister and it’s different.

We've been in touch for the past two years, albeit I was giving him the silent treatment for a few months after I arrived here, I eventually forgave him for not mentioning the bet. It also explained why he and Jake had not been talking much when we were dating.

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