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"You may think I'm selfish or a self centred person or call me arrogant. But I won't ever deny. Because if I wasn't any of those things you wouldn't be with me."- Jasmine

Chapter eight. Fixing my mistake.

Jacob Williams

Devastated. That's how I currently feel. I'm lying on the bed in the guest room in the Jensen's house and different kinds of emotions swam through my head from self-hatred to depression.

Hannah's three doors down and it's taking all my will power to not go to her room and beg for her forgiveness then ravish her. I've been tossing and turning, trying to sleep but every time I close my eyes I see her hazel brown eyes so bright staring at me and that breath taking smile.

All for me.

It then switched to images of her and Damon kissing, it was enough to make want to kill the guy. I could not believe she would kiss him, but again, she is free to do so, but not for long so I have to let it go.

The way I held her in my arms possessively. Waking up on certain occasions where our legs are tangled and my head was buried in the nook of her neck. Her intoxicating strawberry scent that always brings a smile to my face when I inhale.

Her plumped luscious lips that I want to kiss for eternity. Damn it! I knew I shouldn't have kissed her but I couldn't resist. While I was staring at her adjusting herself in that skirt brought back memories that would surely give me sleepless nights.

I don't deserve a second chance. Even though I didn't agree to that bet I should have find a way to stop it, but instead I pushed it in the furthest part of my mind hoping and praying it won't resurface.

She deserved better than an idiot like me that ruins everything, I know that. But I am too selfish to let her go. Even thinking of her with another guy makes me want to go in a fit of rage.

That's why I'm here. I'm getting what's mine.

I rolled over and closed my eyes but her lips came back in my mind once again, already tattooed I see. Just like every kiss she and I shared.

I still remember her soft moans that made my manhood hard like a rock. The way I tasted every part of her body knowing all her sensitive spots. The way she screamed my name when I devoured her into a blissful state...


I can feel my friend tightening in my briefs.

Goodness love, not even here but you still make me lose my mind.

I threw the duvet on my side and went to the bathroom for a cold shower.

After she left earlier to go on a date with Damon. I stormed out and went to get some fresh air. I was walking on the side walk when Rebecca came out of nowhere and hugged me.

I was shocked but then I hugged her back. She dragged me to this cafe then we sat and talk. We aren't really friends. She's sort of a friend of a friend so I don't mind talking to her.

After that I went to play some ball with my team and coach just to warm up.
After pumping myself in the shower and giving myself relief I returned to bed. I feel naked doing this here but I didn't exactly have a choice. Talk about blue balls.

I reached for my phone on the bed side table to check the time and it was still two in the morning.

I turned over and closed my eyes forcing myself to sleep and I eventually did with one thought on my mind.

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