I looked down at her with a worried expression. She is my mate and I only want to protect her, but I cannot do that with so many threats around our pack and us. After she fell asleep, I licked the top of her head and rested my head on her shoulders. My mind finally quieted and I managed to fall into a stressful sleep.


I could not move. All four of my legs and paws were strapped down. I felt a few more straps along my body holding me down, including my head and mouth. Despite my constant pulling and tugging on the straps, nothing seemed to budge or weaken.

Where am I anyway? I looked around to see a lab of sorts. There was a lot of medical supplies and lab equipment. Obviously, this place is some sort of human building with all the tools surrounding me and the infrastructure. Plus, by the chemical smell, it seems to be in the Raw Power Pack's territory.

A male walked in with a grin plastered on his face and a handful of his packmates by his side. The evil alpha. The alpha that caused my mate to suffer. The alpha that caused my pack to suffer. My growls filled the room, only causing his grin to grow. He walked over to me while I was trying to break free so I could rip his throat open.

I felt one of his hands stroke my back. "There, there. This will all be over momentary. And it will only hurt a lot." He told me before turning away and walking over to a table.

Fear started to strike into my mind. What is he going to do? What is going to happen? Where is my mate? Is she safe? Or is she trapped in another room? My mind could not reach her as I tried desperately to talk to her, so I could know that she was safe.

The evil alpha came back to me with a needle in his hands. Some type of clear substance filled the inside. I could only watch as he leaned toward me with his sinister grin and the needle pointed at my neck. "I am going to enjoy watching this." However, just as the needle neared my body, I felt sparks as my mate licked my nose and suddenly I was freed from the nightmare.


Familiar blue eyes looked at me in concern as I jumped awake. I shook my head to rid myself of the dream I just had. "Are you alright? You were growling in your sleep... were you having a bad dream?" Sunna asked me, worry filled her soft voice.

I blinked a few times before looking at her. "I am fine. There is nothing to be concerned about." I replied and started to walk out of our den.

Her face hardened and she blocked the entrance of our den. "No, you are not fine." I glanced at her, slightly surprised by her boldness. "Remember we are mates and I can easily feel what you feel. I know that was a nightmare, so do not try to lie about it. Tar, please, let me help."

I sat down in defeat and she came over and sat beside me. "I was strapped down," I started to explain the dream to her, telling her of my attempts to escape, "and that horrid alpha came in and was wanting to inject me with something. However, right before he did, you woke me up."

She growled to herself. "I will not let him touch you."

I smiled and licked her ear. "Nothing is going to happen to me or to you. We are staying right by each other the whole time." She seemed content with that answer and we stepped out of our den and went to find the betas and gamma.

We found the three talking near the sunken rock. After sharing our greetings with them, we got straight to the point. The alliance between our pack and Sunna's old pack would be extremely helpful in the war, especially if we want to reduce the amount of lives that are lost in the battle. However I know how much stress this is putting on Sunna. It is obvious how much she is dreading our next interaction with them. I want to help her, yet I am unsure of how because she has been avoiding the topic when we are alone.

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