She laid back down. "I'm so tired now. The pain goes away when I sleep. I just want to sleep. Without the pain..." Leya fell asleep so quickly, I didn't have time to say anything. Her shaking body started to relax and loosen. I let her sleep knowing she's gone through too much today.

"We need to get out of here," I said and looked at Jake.

Jake looked at Leya with a worried expression. "They're going to do the same thing to us." He replied and looked at me. "But I don't know how we could escape. We're too weak to take on very many of them."

I nodded in agreement. "I know, but we can't just sit here and do nothing. I don't want to die without a fight. I don't want to die in a cage either."

"Yeah, neither do I. However, we don't have very many options in the first place." He commented.

A sign escaped my lips. "We only have two options; fight or die." My eyes travelled around the room, looking for anything that could potentially help us. Nothing seemed to show anything positive. Hopelessness started to set in, yet I continued to try to push it away.

The scientists came rushing in and they wasted no time opening up Jake's cage. Jake stood up and readied himself for a fight, but the scientists weren't looking for a fight and shot him with a tranquilizer. He fell with a groan. How much of that did they just shoot into him? Isn't he supposed to fall slower than that? The evil one walked in with a needle and injected it into Jake. He looked at me with a smirk before turning his attention back to Jake.

My mouth hung open. It all happened so fast and still there was nothing I could do to help anyone. I couldn't help Leya or Jake. My breathing increased as my anger started to rise. They were just out of reach. My best friend was dying and I just stood there helpless. My packmate is laying there as whatever they put in him starts to take effect and I can't do anything to stop it.

My screams raged with my anger and I didn't even try to stop it. I tried everything I could to get out of the cage, but only ended up hurting myself from my efforts. The silver bars burned my skin. My hands were bleeding from hitting the wall. I was exhausted from the whole thing. So I just laid down in the middle of my cage and waited for my own death.

Though it took a while to get started, Jake started to shift despite him making no noise. He was still out from the tranquilizer. I watched as his clothes were torn from his body and as brown fur grew. His wolf form was a lot larger than it should be. They did it. They finally did it. They made us as large as a wolf. However very suddenly, Jake's body started to jerk in unnatural ways before stopping and laying still. I looked for any signs of breathing, but saw none. He's gone.

Sky? What the hell just happened? My Alpha asked me out of the blue. I realized that he's probably been communicating with Jake. Alpha would be the only one able to communicate with us at such large distances.

They just killed him. They killed Jake. I was still in shock and I was barely comprehending what was occurring. Whatever they injected him with—it killed him. Oh my god. And I'm next.

Sky, listen to me. Leya is still alive. Jake... won't make it. But you can escape with Leya. I can't send anyone in after you, it's just too dangerous. I'm sorry. He told me. I could tell it hurt for him to say that. He didn't want any of his pack members dying.

Alpha, I need you tell the Gammas that I love them so much and-

No, Sky you are going to get out of there. Patrols are at the edge of the border waiting for you. I just need you to put in one last effort. He cut me off.

Please, Alpha, if I don't make it. I need you to tell them that I love them and that I did all I could. Please. I pleaded. I had a very low chance of getting out of there.

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