I was going to reply, but I heard pawsteps making their way up the hill. "Siqiniq, go behind that rock over there quickly." She sent me a confused look, but hid behind the rock.

Not a second later, Blade emerged out of the trees. She stopped when she saw me and bowed her head. "Alpha."

I returned the bow, "Gamma. Is something wrong?"

She shook her head. "Beta, honey, and I were worried about you." I frowned and she continued, "neither of us had seen you all day. You did not tell any of us where you were."

I had gotten so caught up with Siqiniq that my pack had not crossed my mind. That was so careless of me. "My apologies." I needed to think of a logical excuse. I was not ready to tell them about my mate and neither was she.

Blade sniffed the air. Could she smell her? "You are with your mate, are you not?" I shook my head too quickly. "Alpha, please do not lie to me. I can smell another female here." She paused and took another sniff before continuing, "I can also smell that she is not a wolf."

I sighed, knowing I could not escape this. "Siqiniq, please come here." My mate popped her head out before making her way to stand next to me. "Yes, Gamma you were right. I found my mate," Blade eyed her and looked pretty shocked, "and yes, she is a werewolf."

I waited for her to respond, but she was still looking over Siqiniq. Her mouth did not seem like it could move, yet I waited patiently. Siqiniq shifted at my side, I could sense her nervousness. "Alpha," Blade breathed, "I am beyond delighted that you found your mate. Though, I am disappointed that you lied to me. When will you present her?"

The thought had not crossed my mind much today. When would I tell the pack? That thought made me nervous. I hoped for the pack to accept her like I do. "Not today, and I am not sure when. I do not think either of us are ready for it." I spoke while looking at my mate.

"Have you two mated yet?" Blade asked curiously.

My mate's ears flew up and I chuckled, "no not yet." Blade raised an eyebrow at me then looked at my mate. I could tell Blade wanted to speak with my mate, but she was unsure. "She can speak our language."

Blade's eyes widened a bit. "Well that is new. I have never heard of a werewolf able to speak wolf." She muttered quietly.

"She thinks it is because of the mate bond." I stated.

Blade nodded in understanding then looked to my mate. "Well as you know I am his Gamma, if you wish, you may call me Blade, that is my name. I am so glad to meet you. What should I call you?"

Siqiniq frowned at the odd wording. I reacted as quickly as I could, "We have not discussed which pack we will stay with." Siqiniq's frown only deepened. "We need to decide which pack we will stay with." I restarted for her.

"Wait, you mean that you would be willing to give up your title as of alpha and come be an omega with me?" I could feel her confusion through the bond. I nodded. "Wow." She breathed and noticed my confusion. "I guess werewolves work things a little different. Usually a pair of mates would go to whoever has a higher position in their pack. And if they are the same position, it's usually the female that moves packs. I think the human part of us is pretty sexist."

"Yes, that is a bit different than how we operate. Mates discuss with each other over which pack they wish to stay with." I clarified.

She nodded, but still seemed confused. Then she turned to Blade. "What do you mean by 'what should you call me'?"

Blade seemed a little confused as well. "Because you are Alpha's mate, if you two choose to stay with this pack, you can either be called Alpha Female, by your name, Alpha then your name, or Luna."

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