
"You're back!" A scream woke me from my sleep. I jumped out of bed to only be tackled by a crazy werewolf. Not even fully awake yet, I easily fell down. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you?"

Leya was over me with a worried face. I started laughing. She frowned. "No, you just surprised me." I explained.

She smiled. "Well, good. But we gotta go. We've both been assigned to training as extra thetas."

She helped me up from my fallen state. "Really?" I wanted to make sure.

"Yeah, I was surprised too. I mean you were in the hospital still when they told me to tell you. Hopefully the trainer will go easy on you."

I rolled my eyes. "I don't want that kind of attention."

She just laughed at me. "Such a tough werewolf. I should be scared."

I pushed her softly before getting dressed. I put on workout clothes and waited till Leya was ready. She grabbed my hand and pulled me along with her. To be honest, I didn't really feel ready. My body was still sore and bruised. My mind was still cloud and messy. My emotional stability was completely out of the question. I was not ready for training. But I put on a determined face and jogged with Leya to the training area.

There was already a warm up going by the time we got there. The instructor, who I recognized but I could not recall his name, noticed us. There are so many people in this pack and I am terrible with remembering names. He checked his watch. "Hey, you're late! Get into the warm up!"

As I was about to start to warm up, the instructor pulled me aside. "You're the one who just got back from the hospital, right?" I nodded. "Alright come back and train in a few days."

I frowned. "But I'm fine. I'm completely healed." I protested.

He checked me over quickly and pointed at a bruise on my arm. "Not with that bruise you aren't. Now come back in a day. Just rest for now, you need it." He turned around and started giving directions to the large group, so I was unable to protest against him.

I growled to myself before walking off. Now what am I supposed to do? Honestly, I wasn't really in the right mentality to do anything, but I should do something to help my pack. Right? Why should I take a day off while everyone else is working? Besides I needed to get my mind off everything. I just want to stop thinking. Those angering thoughts continued to poke at my mind.

What should I do about Siqiniq? Should I talk to her? I want to apologize for everything, but I know that will never be enough. And what about Chase? Do I forgive him? Do I even talk to him? Should I ever face him again? He hurt me in a way I could never imagine. How do I respond to that? What am I supposed to say to him? He barely understands the consequences of his actions.

I wasn't sure who was guiding me, but I was walking mindlessly into the forest. It didn't feel very mindless. As if someone was controlling me as my thoughts raged in my mind. I barely even noticed that I had headed into the forest.

How about my mate? When will he reject me? Because he obviously doesn't want me. He never came to try to see me. Then again I don't think he was a part of this pack, so maybe he doesn't know how to get to me. What if he's a rogue?

A roaring sound knocked me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see that my feet had led me to the river that divides the territory between my pack and the wolf pack. I felt the urge to keep moving. Honestly, I just allowed my feet to keep moving, I didn't even try to stop them.

If he was a rogue, wouldn't I have been able to smell it? Well, I did have a lot of blood up my nose. I don't think I could smell much at that moment. But he defended me so easily and quickly. He must be strong and big. Probably fast and smart too. I smiled to myself as I thought about my mate and my heart seemed to flutter a bit.

I stopped abruptly. My eyes scanned the new forest around me. I didn't know this place at all and it didn't smell like my territory. I inhaled deeply through my nose. Scents of the forest reached my nose and I realized exactly where I was. The wolf pack territory. Why was I here? Why would my feet guide me to this place? I could easily be killed. My first instinct was to run, knowing I could never fight off a wolf.

However, something was pulling on me to keep going. For the first time today, I questioned what was leading me to this place. I searched my mind, but couldn't find a reason for this. At least not in my mind with none of my reasons.

Siqiniq? Are you guiding me? There was no verbal response, but I felt a strong pull to keep going. Siqiniq, I'm almost certain this is you, so I'll do whatever you want. I trust you... more than myself. I-I'm sorry. For everything. A-and I know t-that I won't be able to make up for it anytime soon.

I felt a shift in her and I felt her unlock the wall that she had built up against me. I knew that she had only opened it, not broken it, and that she could easily close it again. Excitement and joy made my heart beat faster. Maybe I could finally apologize. I know she won't accept it and I've accepted the fact that it's going to take me a long time to gain her trust back. But first I can start with a proper apology.

Siqiniq, I know that what I have done is... it's beyond terrible. I've neglected the one who cares about me more than anyone and I put all my pain on you. I blamed everything on you. I felt her shift uncomfortably, telling me that she did not like thinking about all the memories of me hurting her. It was completely wrong of me. And I will apologize to you every single day of my life because you were right. About everything. About how you felt the same amount of pain that I did and that you lost your parents as well. About how things were never meant to end up like this. About how you never wanted to pull us away from our parents. About how I am a terrible human and you never deserved to have me as you human and that I never deserved such a wolf like you.

I paused and allowed her to take in the information, but I wasn't done yet. Siqiniq, you are my wolf and I am your human till we die. If I could give you to another more deserving human I would, but we both know I can't and I am so sorry for that. Sadly you have to deal with me for the rest of your life, so I want to make it up in the best way I could. So screw that deal. Whatever you want something or need something, you ask and I'll do whatever I need to do to get it done. I promise. I am so sorry Siqiniq and I know I should never be forgiven and I don't expect you to, but I will do anything to make it up to you as much as I can. Just ask anytime, anywhere.

She didn't respond and I had no more to say. Of course I could say a lot more, but I don't want to bore or annoy her. I know she probably needs time to think about everything that I've told her. What if she doesn't respond at all? I wouldn't be surprised if she just ignored me forever, or at least as long as she could.

Suddenly, I felt a very familiar urge to shift. And for the first time in my life, I stripped off my clothes and hid them under a bush before completely welcoming and wanting to shift.

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