chapter 11

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*mandy's pov*

we walked in the door that leads to the backstage and we were looking for davey and jade, amanda turned around and saw that davey was watching her. she walked up to him and i just stayed back so they can have a moment, then i saw adam, hunter and jade walk to them. i see both of them blush as they said something, i soon went up to jade and hug him. he hugged me back with out resisting, i smiled as he did so. a security guard came to tell them they had to go on stage, and we walked to the side were they go on and come off. 

as they walked out jade looked back and smiled, i smiled back. davey walked out and looked at amanda, she smiled and waved, he did the same and didnt take his eyes off till the music started. the first song they sang was 'this time imperfect' and by the end he walked around the stage and while he walked towards us, he winked at amanda. she blushed and looked away. i knew they liked each other, but i wouldnt say anything because she knows that i like jade, but idk if he likes me. but i do think she knows that he does, "does... ah... jade like me?" i asked while looking down, she turned to me "yes! are you blind, he keeps looking at you and he called you cute before" she told me. i looked up smiling, i looked at jade and he keeps looking at me, and trying to play.

*3 hours later*

they walked off stage and jade took me by the hand, and we walked outside and i saw amanda under davey's arm. i smiled at that, "you know what jade" i started he looked at me "i havent seen amanda that happy before" i told him "what?!?" he looke back to see amanda and davey. "what do you mean?" he asked, "well, she got hurt by her ex, he slept with someone and was crushed my it and she didnt eat for a long time, and i've been there for her ever since" i explained to him. he was so shocked to hear that he just looked at the ground, "man, im sorry that had to happen to her" he told me "its fine now, just dont bring t up to her, she will get depressed again" i told him.

we walked outside and fans ran up to us, adam and hunter went into the front so we werent hurt and police all around us as well. we walked to their bus and sat down at a curved table. we sat there just talking, the bus started to move then i realized we had to go home. "ahh guys, we have to go back to the hotel" i told everyone, "hey, its fine just call your mom and tell her you will be home at 10 or 11." hunter said, i took out my phone and went into the bathroom, i called my mom. she picked up "hey mom, we are going out to eat with the guys from afi, and wont be home till later" i told her, "okai thats fine as long as you both come back in one" she told me. we said goodbye and hung up, i walked back out and they all looked at me, "we can stay" i said, "yessss!" they all yelled, i just smiled and sat back next to jade.

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