chapter 17

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*jades pov*

i dialed mandys number fast, *ring ring* "common goddamnit!" i yelled. "hello?" i sleepy voice anwsered, i smiled. "mandy where are you?" i asked, "oh hey jade, and home why?" she asked. "i will pick you up, and tell you everything and i need the truth from you when i ask in the car" i told her and before she can awnser, i hung up. i then called my brother who lived not that far from where we stopped, i asked if i can use his car for a while, he said i could and he came with in 3 minutes. i took his keys and got in, i raced to mandys house, my heart racing with the car. every turn felt like im wasting time, i turned down the street to mandys house and i could see her outside waiting for me. she jumped in, "so whatis happening?" she asked, "well its werid, but davey and amanda were making out and he put his hands in her shirt going up her back. she freaked started to cry and ran away" i told her going a bit slower then i did before. she did the 'o' face and looked out the window, we came to a stop light that was on red. i looked at her, and she was crying "what? what is it?" i asked she then spilled it all out. "amanda in her last relationship, her boyfriend well now ex.... forced her to have sex, she didnt want to. so she left his house and dumped him, he then a week after went to her house waited for her in her room while her dad was out and raped her. she called me over after and we called the cops, they found him and now he is in jail for 40 years." she said, i had to pull over because i started to cry, she looked at me and hugged me i hugged back. i couldnt drive right now, so mandy asked "should i drive, you look like you need to relax" i nodded and went to the passager side while she drove. i just looked out the window and tried to relax, i finally did. we got to the bus to find hunter and adam there.

we got out and i told them what mandy told me, they were shocked. "wait where is davey?" i asked, "oh i dont know" hunter said, adam looked around like he should be around here. "i have an idea of where they would be" mandy said. we all looked at her to tell us, "the park, amanda would go there every night and just relax and she will be good." i told them "true that what davey does sometimes" adam said. we started to walk to the park when we saw someone sitting on the curb. "davey?" i asked, he looked up "davey!" we all kinda just screamed and ran to him, he stood up and we all just hugged him. mandy didnt, "did you find her?" mandy asked, "no, but i know she is in here. im just afraid she will run away again" he told us. i walked in, "jade come back you dont know her well!" mandy yelled i ignored her and walked to find her. i soon found her on the swings at the other side of the park. i sat on one two swings away from her. "amanda.. i know what happened and i just want to tell you davey isnt like that" i told her. she looked at me, she took in a shaky breath and said "i know i just cant understand that he isnt like that. " i got up and sat next to her on the swings, "you know davey is hurt... he thinks you will run away when you see him." i told her, she looked at me with wide eyes, "r-really?" "hmm, he thinks you wont like him" i heard her start to cry more. "i will get him" i said and walked to get him.

*daveys pov*

jade came out of the park but still no amanda, "davey go talk to her" he said. i looked at him "w-what?" "yea, she wont run" he told me. i nodded and walked in, i found her in the far corner of the park on the swings. "amanda?" "hi davey." she said, i started to cry. i couldnt stand anymore and i just fell to my knees crying. she came running to me "davey! are you okay? davey?" she said, i looked at her with tears down my cheeks. "im so sorry amanda, i shouldnt have done that to you." i told her, "davey, noo, its my falt... it brought me back to my ex and everything" she told me, she then hugged me, i hugged her back tight not wanting to let go. "i promise i wont hurt you amanda" "i know you wont davey" she said. she then let go and looked at me, she then kissed me. i was taken back alittle but just kissed back then. we parted and she whispered "i love you davey, and i should just put my past behind me. you are different from them. you make me happy, and make me feel loved and wanted. davey havok im in love with you" that made my heart pund more and more. i cupped her face and kissed her, she kissed back.

we walked out hand in hand, mandy vcame running up and hugged her "amanda! oh god i was worried sick" she told her. "you two can go on the bus to talk about it" hunter told them, they both nodded and went to the bus. we stayed outside for a while, "that was wild man" adam said, "mhmm" i said. "we are lucky we found her and not someone else" hunter said "agree" jade said. we stayed out for a while then went to the bus to see what they were doing, as we walked on we didnt see them. we all kind of freaked "shh guys found them" adam whispered yelled. we walked to the bunks and found amanda in mine, and mandy in hers. they looked so beautiful while sleeping, "well guys im tired now, morning? night? i dont know so night" adam said and went to his bunk. "same, morning" hunter said and climbed ontop of the bottom bunk to get his. me and jade walked to the back of the bus to the other bunks and went across from eachother. we talked for a while then i was the first to fall asleep.

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