chapter 3

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*next morning*

i woke up to my alarm 5:00 again, i didn't want to take a shower so i just stayed in my bed. i put my alarm back on for 5:39 and fell back to sleep.

i woke up, at my alarm i rolled my eyes, got up and got dressed. i went downstairs and my dad wasn't there, "weird" i said to myself. i just kinda ignored it and walked into the kitchen were i made myself toast with peanutbutter. i made enough coffee for me, and i sat at the table alone. i felt my phone buzz, i looked to see alex calling me. "hiya, amanda i got my car and is gonna pick you and mandy up in 3 minutes" he told me, "okai im ready." i said he and hung up, i got my bag and wrote a note to my dad. then i went out the door to see alex in his new car his rich mom got him. i got in the back, its a small dark blue car, with leather seating and its stick shift. "awesome car!" i told him, he just laughed. we drove to school in silence while listening to pierce the veil, as we arrived we didn't see the populars anywhere. everyone seemed to be in their spot and happy! we parked and got out only for danny, the schools nerd, ran up to us and said "hi guys! heard the great news?!" we all looked at each other "no why?" mandy asked. "well the populars got transferred to a new school for the bad kids!" he said with excitement. our eyes wide and mouths open looked at him in shocked, we all hugged each other and started to laugh.

we walked into the school and everyone was out of the class even the teachers to calm the teens, but everyone was so happy now.

as the bell rang we said our goodbyes and walked to our class. i got upset, i didn't see austin i sighed and sat down. as i got my book out austin came in and tapped me on the arm, "hmm" "ah hey, i heard the pops aren't here" he said in a cute voice. "ah yea, transferred to a school for kids like them" i said while laughing alittle. austin with his beautiful smile smiled and the teacher yelled "you two love birds to the office now!" me and him looked at each other got up and walked out.

'wow im walking with him!' i thought to myself, "hey amanda?" he questioned. i shook my head, "umm i saw what jessica did to you.." he said softly, i just looked at the floor. "and the reason why they are there is because i got my dad to put them in there" he told me. i looked at him wide eyes, he just laughed and it was silent from there.

*4 hours later*

"what did you do now amanda?" my dad asked, "nothing i was talking to someone and she just told us to go to the office!" i explained. my dad just looked at me, then he threw the paper away and said "if it happens again you missy are grounded." i looked at him wide eye, then got up and went into my room. "this can't happen again" i told myself as i get my laptop and went to YouTube for the rest of the night.

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