Chapter 6: Dare I Say?

Start from the beginning

"You could say I lost control and hurt some people. My mom made a promise to some powerful people that I wouldn't be hunted but as the news got out..." Jimin stopped talking and dropped his shoulders.

"You know, that sounds kinda familiar. A long fucking time ago, wasn't it? Eh, I don't know, but I'm sorry about that, it must've been difficult to live like that."

Jimin shrugged, "Since I grew up like this, it's kinda has become a part of me. I don't think I would have what I do know if I wasn't being chased. I don't know who I am without being chased."

"No one should live like that," Yoongi mumbled.

"If you knew who I was, you would be like everyone else. Either running away or trying to kill me," Jimin growled, causing the elder to jump a little.

"You never know, it could be different... Will you be staying here for the night?" The captain moved his hand to give a thumbs up. "How can you stand here and just do nothing?" Yoongi shuffled behind Jimin, laying his head on the younger's shoulder.

"I-I," he coughed, "find it relaxing."

"It's pretty but I think I would get bored quickly," Yoongi whispered, his hot breath burning directly against Jimin's skin.

"There's always something new for me to see up here," Jimin mumbles, turning slightly to meet the prince's eyes.

"Well, I can see pretty well in the dark so if you would like, I can keep you company."

"No, you should get some rest. I'm used to staying up days on end, you're not."

"And how'd you know if I am used to it or not?" Yoongi asks, putting his hand on the Captain's waist.

"I assume you're not but I could be wrong." Yoongi chuckled and stepped a little closer, pressing his chest against the younger's back.

"Well you're wrong, I'm a prince." Jimin hummed, tilting his head opposite of the older's face, with hooded eyes.

"Do you like being a prince?"

"It has its perks but sometimes I just want to be free."

"You're free now."

"Yes, I guess I am, but even though I'm free at the moment. I still have my duties to carry out as the crowned prince of Shadowpaw."

"We can't let you go. You know that," Jimin whispered, inching closer to the steering wheel to get away from Yoongi.

"You never know, things happen."

"Are you telling the Captain of The Royal Fortune that you are going to try and escape in the near future? The person who holds your life in their hands and you want to say you are going to escape?" Jimin turned around and Yoongi started walking backward as the redhead pressed forwards. "I thought you were smarter than that, your highness," Jimin smirked and caressed the side of Yoongi's face before going back to the helm.

"How is it possible for you to have red hair and green eyes? What are you?" Yoongi spoke in a curious tone when he was next to Jimin once again, this time keeping a safe distance between their bodies, yet close enough to still feel the warmth of one another.

"Something dangerous, something that murdered large groups of people, and someone who can overpower you." Yoongi bit his lip.

"I can overpower you in bed," Yoongi spoke softly and then flew down the stairs to hide, breaking his promise to stay with Jimin for the rest of the night in an instant.

Jimin stood there with a shocked and red-covered face.

"Did the Prince of Shadowpaw just say he could get me in bed with him?" Jimin lets out a quick giggle and drops his head on the wheel.

Yoongi, who was behind the corner, peers over and up at Jimin. 'He's so gorgeous.' He thought when the captain rose his head, the moonlight shined against his rosy-tinted chunks and dare he say, lips. The younger moves his pirate hat to push his hair back and-

"Yoongi? What are you doing awake? You need to rest." The prince whirled around and sent a curt smile Jin's way.

"I just needed to stretch my legs." Yoongi smiled and hastily strode back to his room. Jin moved his lips to one side and took a giant step forward, looking around the corner, a large smile crawling onto his lips.

"A new couple is forming!" He squealed and danced back to bed with Namjoon somewhat awake. "Jimin may have finally found his match," Jin murmurs, crawling back under the lifted cover and falling into his mate's arms.

"Yoongi?" He nodded, "I think they would be cute but it's dangerous because guess who killed his parent's friends?" Namjoon grumbles in a raspy voice but earns a slap on his naked chest.

"That is not very nice, not nice at all." Namjoon pouted and kissed the top of his mate's head.

"Sorry babe but let's finish this tomorrow, we've had a long day," Namjoon confides and turns onto his side, his free hand sliding around Jin's waist. The prince rolled his eyes but did what his guard told him to do and fell asleep.

Finally, Yoonmin is starting to bloom!

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