Chapter 4: A Personality Change

Start from the beginning

"Didn't you say they were sirens?"

"Sirens are the guardians of the merfolk. We are stronger and more agile in the water, also we can go on land," Namjoon spoke, scowling at Hoseok who was still laughing.

"Why are you here then, Jin?"

"My older brother became king and I didn't want to stay so I asked to come to the surface. That's how I met Namjoon, he was assigned to keep me safe but every once in a while I need to return and check up on my duties as a prince." Yoongi hummed.

"You should see my dad. When he starts working, he won't stop. It gets so bad my mom has to go in and force him out." He sadly chuckled.

"I have seen the queen pull Yoongi's dad's ear and drag him out of his studies. She is small but scary strong!" Taehyung chuckled and patted the prince's shoulder.

"My dad says I get my attitude from her." The crew smiled.

"If she's like you, then she must be scary." Yoongi turned and smiled at the youngest.

"Don't worry I am much scarier, she just has this 'I know I'm the best, and you know I am the best' feel."

"Well this has been fun but we still need to pick up the rest of the crew from Diamonds Peak." Yoongi's eyes widened.

"There's more of you?" The captain bobbed his head, pushing his bowl away from him.

"We've got about 7 more."

"My boo's coming back!" Hoseok cheered and started doing a weird dance that earned the same weird looks.

"One of them is Hoseok's fiancé," Taehyung whispered to Yoongi who could tear his eyes away from the smiling man.

"Do you.. um, have a problem with that Yoongi?" Hoseok asks when he sees the prince's confused face.

"Oh no, not at all. I'm gay too, just surprised that pirates actually get married. I can see Jin and Namjoon, that's biology but marriage, yikes."

"Yoongi, we are still human beings. We all have feelings. We just happen to steal from others!" The captain explained. "Also can the future King be gay?"

"My parents are okay with prefers, they just would like for me to be with someone before I'm 25. I have 4 years to find someone who wants me for me and not for my name," Jungkook pouts out his lips and leans against Taehyung.

"Shadowpaw is really excepting in those types of things. They just need a strong leader who can protect them." Taehyung spoke, shrugging off his boyfriend to pick up the empty plates.

"Yoongi, how strong are you?" Jin suddenly asks, his head on Namjoon's shoulder.

"I can take almost all the guards down in the castle except for General Suho." Jimin froze and he looked at Yoongi with wide eyes.

"Suho is still alive?" Yoongi chuckles and looks him in the eyes.

"Of course he is, but how do you know him?" Jimin looked past Yoongi and at Taehyung who was watching them carefully through squinted eyes.

"I uh, I have had a few run-ins with him."

"Ah, well he is still the only one who can beat me but I'm hoping to beat him soon."

"Yes, um I am going back to work." Jimin suddenly said and rushed back to his quarters.

"Did I say something wrong?" Yoongi wondered when he noticed Taehyung was behind him.

"No, you didn't. Come with me, I think we should continue your fighting skills. Namjoon is the second-best on the ship and land, after the captain but he is still really good."

"I am pretty sure Namjoon doesn't like me." Taehyung hummed..

"Probably true but he'll warm up to you. He's just protective of his prince."

"Oh, yeah I can see that." He mumbles, "Tae? Whose clothes are these?"

"It's caps, he was the closest to your figure." Yoongi nodded looking at the pirate clothes. "Here is a sword and here is a Namjoon." Taehyung chuckled, pushing the uninterested siren forward.

"Asshole," Namjoon mumbled, taking his sword out nonetheless.

"I know you are but what am I?" Namjoon dropped his arm and looked at Taehyung like he was an idiot.

"Go find Jungkook before I put you in Yoongi's place." The tiger's eyes widened and he ran away.

"I need to learn how to do that. Tae never listens to me, even though I am the prince," Namjoon's lip twitched up into a slight grin.

"Well, I can control people with my voice so I don't know if you can learn that," Yoongi shrugged.

"I got my alpha voice but I only use it when I need to. The last time I did, I almost killed a person from fear," Namjoon smirked.

"I would like to see that one time." Yoongi nodded and started slowly stepping closer towards Namjoon before striking. "You're sneaky," Namjoon cackled, blocking the hit.

"I'm part cat, of course, I am sneaky." The prince swung his sword up but turned and went down, scratching Namjoon's leg and taking part of his pants with him.

"You're not half bad." Yoongi scoffed and got back into position.

"I wish I could say the same for you." Namjoon bit his lip and snickered.

"You're so on now." Yoongi raised an eyebrow and blinked, his eyes turning all black. Namjoon stepped forward and swung fast, hard, and with no mercy.

Yoongi was quick to leap out of the way. Ready to attack from behind, Namjoon had suddenly moved to point his sword at the lion's neck.

"I win." He huffed.

"So did I," Namjoon looked down when something poked his stomach, pleasantly surprised at the sharp metal before him.

"Again?" Yoongi nodded and they didn't wait for the other to get into position.

Namjoon bent down and swept Yoongi's feet from under him. As the younger stood up he watched Yoongi do a back handspring and land on his feet.

'Damn.' Namjoon thought as the nimble prince used his strength to clash his sword against Namjoons. Their faces were close but Yoongi pushed even harder making Namjoon stumbled back grabbing most of the crew's attention.

Namjoon shook his head and growled, looking at Yoongi who was shocked when he saw the siren's eyes flash a dark blue.

Namjoon stared down the younger and he slid his sword across the wooden floor as he walked forwards.

"Who do you think is going to win?" Taehyung whispered to Jungkook who was wrapped tightly in his arms.

"I think Namjoon." The tiger shook his head.

"Yoongi will-".

"Guys just watch." Both Jin and Hoseok snapped. watching as the two fight while no one manages to notice an intrigued Jimin lurking from behind the ship's helm. Watching with a trained eye. (A/n: if you don't know the helm is the ships steering wheel)

"Tae, shouldn't worry about him falling in love with me. He should be worried about me falling in love with him," the captain sighs and gawks at the ocean. "What's that?" He mumbled and took out his telescope to see something he hated.


It's like Yoongi and Namjoon switched personalities a little.

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