Chapter Twenty-One

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Kai had regained some of his bearings by the time they were finished with breakfast, but he was still confused. He was still terrified of what he'd seen and what his dream self had done. All of it had felt so real. He wondered if he had been lying on his ankle strange while he slept, which made it hurt during the dreams. The last segment of the dream terrified him the most, though he wasn't sure why. He had the feeling of dread stuck in his chest each time he thought about it.

Thankfully, his friends were there to take his mind off it. They didn't mention what they were truly doing out in the woods, just talked about their home. Kai, during the whole conversation, wondered when they would get back home. He didn't know how long it would take them to find and get Shintaro. They also had to thwart whatever Moon was planning and defeat her. Kai thought about what Shintaro was doing - if he was fighting back, or if Moon had weakened and/or hurt him. He thought about Moon's ability to enter the mind and bring out anyone's biggest fear, and he felt his hopes deflate a little. Shintaro was probably going through that each time Moon wanted, which made him weak and not in the right mind to fight against Moon.

Chase used more Magic to help Kai's foot heal faster, though he couldn't use very much. Kai felt bad that he even wasted his Magic on him. He knew that Chase was only weakening himself each time he did it, and probably hurting himself because of the curse Thorn had placed on him. 

Kai found himself sitting on the couch, staring the flashing TV but not paying any attention to it. He was wondering how he would feel and what he would do if he was in Chase's situation. He couldn't leave his friends, but if he was being hurt by them, would he stay or would he leave? 

Chase was risking his Magic - possibly his life - by staying with Kai, a Dark, who could revert his Magic or kill him. Chase hadn't mentioned anything about the Dark Magic inside him killing him or if he turned into a Dark that it would kill him, but that could have been one of the options. 

It was miraculous enough that Chase remained with his friends, let alone the fact that he was constantly fighting back Dark Magic inside of him.

"He's a tough kid,"  Linda's voice said softly in his head, and he glanced over at her. She was sitting crisscross on the floor in front of the couch, glancing up at him over her shoulder. "He stays with us because we're his friends and family. He's the kind of guy who would never leave their sides, no matter what happened. He loves his family, and he loves his friends. He's putting others before himself - hardly thinking about what you're doing to him. And even when he does, he doesn't take it to offense. He knows you can't help it. He hasn't even considered leaving. The only times he thinks about it is when he thinks about it in distaste. He would never leave us just for himself, Kai. He's not that selfish."

Kai forced his mind to remain blank until she had taken her focus away from him. He didn't want her hearing too far into his head. He didn't know why, but it was starting to get uncomfortable. He hadn't been too keen on her hearing his thoughts before, but he had started to get used to it some time ago. But now he wasn't sure he wanted Linda to intrude on his thoughts.

He knew that Chase wasn't selfish. Kai wasn't sure if he could even find the slightest bit of selfishness inside Chase. He was such a kind boy, and even though he was a prankster who loved to mess with his friends, he also loved them dearly. 

Kai knew that he would never leave, but that choice was only hurting him more.


There was something off about this dream, Kai decided.

He had opened his eyes and found himself standing beside all of his friends, who were looking around them in confusion. Amy and Rachel weren't there, however. Everyone was standing in an open area, one which Kai recognized instantly. They were standing all beside each other in Thorn's previous arena, which was now abandoned. They were facing a door that was closed, and Kai figured that it was Thorn's old room, where he himself had also been kept. 

"Kai, what's going on?" Abby's voice asked to his left, and he turned to find her standing next to him, looking up at him expectantly. "Please tell me this is just a dream... Wait, if it was, you wouldn't hear me, would you? You're not really there, are you?" She reached out and touched his forearm.

"I'm not sure," he replied, and she looked up at him with a startled expression. "I don't know why we're here, and I don't know if it's a dream or not. It feels real, and you're talking to me and I'm talking to you, so it seems like..." 

"Shush," Linda's voice said sharply, and everyone turned to her. She had her finger to her lips and was creeping toward the closed door. Everyone followed her lead, leaning in to hear what was going on inside - if there was anything going on inside. 

Almost immediately, they heard a voice that sent chills down their spines.

"Where is it?" 

It was female and high-pitched, full of impatience and anger. Kai recognized the voice and took a small step back; but caught himself and leaned forward again.

"Moon?" Falte questioned, turning his eyes over to Kai, who nodded and kept listening. He wasn't sure what was going on and if this was actually real, but if that voice was Moon's, that meant -

"Well, it's obviously not here," said another voice, this one deep and male. Just the sound of his voice made Kai's shoulders relax and his breathing slow. He sounded alright, no strain hidden his his voice. As he spoke, however, there was a rattle of chains. 

"DUH!" Moon cried angrily. "But WHERE IS IT?" There was a great crash, making everyone flinch. She was overturning things in Thorn's old room, obviously looking for something. "It's got to be here somewhere! Come on, you should feel it!"

"And I don't," Shintaro replied. "That means it's nowhere near." 

Moon let out a loud groan of anger, which turned into an almost inhuman sounding scream. 

"I can't afford anymore setbacks!" she yelled. "I have to find that thing! You have to take me to it! WHERE IS IT!" 

There was a smack and a clatter of chains, and Kai resisted the urge to open the door. She had obviously just slapped him, hard. 

"I don't know," Shintaro answered simply, without a trace of anger or pain in his voice. 

"You should!" Moon screamed. 

"But I don't," Shintaro said. "I've told you this before. What makes you think I'm going to help you find it?" 

"Because he's growing impatient!" Moon said. "If I don't let him out soon, he will kill me from there. He's capable of doing such things. You know how to find it; therefore, you will take me to it, and I won't hurt you." 

"I'm not afraid of you hurting me, Moon," Shintaro said. 

"I know you're not afraid of me," Moon said flatly. "But I do know who you are afraid of. I know that you're not going to willingly help me, so if I have to make you, I will!" There was another smack.

"I know it was here when I left this place," Shintaro stated, his voice remaining in the same flat tone. "Someone has obviously gotten to it first. I'm not sure who, but whoever has it..." 

He paused for a while, and Kai, with a start, realized what the "it" was. 

He knew what Moon was searching for. 

He knew what she wanted it for. 

She wanted the first half of the key.

Shintaro continued. 

"Whoever has it, they shouldn't have it for much longer." 


Look, it's another update!

I'm really happy that I'm writing in this again. I know I've said this before, but I really am happy. 

There is no way that I can express my thanks to you all for being so patient with me. 

Really, it means a lot. 

Thank you for reading!

Until the next chapter!!

Peace out!!~~

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