Chapter 4

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=Nobody's POV=

Z-city Forest

Day 1 of fuyushi's training

Today is the day, where fuyushi will be starting her training to become a strong.

Pariah is currently waiting for her to arrive on time at the entrance of a forest.

And pariah has been waiting for atleast 5 minutes now.

But pariah is a man with a great patience, he could wait for fuyushi a little while longer.

10 minutes has passed......

20 minutes has passed.....

30 minutes has passed......

40 minutes has passed......

50 minutes has passed.....

1 hour has passed.......

Pariah has been standing there for 1 hour straight and didn't move a single muscle.

Even birds started to land on the top of his head. because they thought pariah was some sort of statue.

Pariah started to get annoyed that fuyushi is very late.

Pariah: (Where The Hell Is She?!?!)

Right on cue, pariah can see fuyushi limping towards him in the distance.

And finally, fuyushi is now standing right in front of pariah, barely breathing..

The birds around pariah flew away when fuyushi came closer.

Pariah: I was expecting you to run, but I see that you already lost most of your stamina just by walking.

Fuyushi: What do you mean!?! You said the "nearest forest" but you made me walk for atleast 150 miles in a hot weather just to get to this stupid forest!!

Pariah: 150 miles is child's play If you walk, anyone can do that, try running.

Fuyushi: But I would be tired, before I even start training!

Pariah: you need stamina, That's why you have to get 150 miles just to get to the training ground.

Fuyushi: what training ground?

Pariah: It's inside the forest, follow me.

Pariah entered the forest with a fuyushi following him behind.

Pariah: try to keep up with me and don't get lost..

Fuyushi: huh?

Pariah then started to jog, which is still faster than normal human sprinting. Fuyushi manage to keep up with him despite being tired.

Pariah looked behind his back and saw fuyushi was barely keeping up with him. Still impressive though.

Pariah: (Impressive..)

After a minute going to pariah's destination, they made It, The training ground is consist of a wide open space and.....well nothing.

Fuyushi: ummm...hunter?

Pariah: yes?

Fuyushi: where is the training ground?

Pariah: here.

Fuyushi: but..there's nothing he-

Pariah then give fuyushi a chopping axe.

Pariah: go chop those trees and make some log, Your real training starts now.

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