Chapter 8: Brushing up yourself

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=Nobody's POV=

Somewhere at Z-city

???: you really saved me there. Thanks a bunch, young man. You know the world has gone mad when monsters start assaulting little candy shops.

A granny was thanking to saitama, who killed the flower monster that was assaulting her shop.

Saitama: you were lucky that I happened to pass by, Granny.

Saitama was about to continues his way until granny stopped him.

Granny: Hold on, don't run off, let me give you a little something to thank you.

Saitama: nah, don't bother, granny.

Granny: now, now, don't be like shouldn't turn down someone's kindness.

Saitama:...fine, If you insist...Hand It over.

Granny: I am little short on money right now...

She goes inside of her candy store and many seconds later, she comes back with a giant bag of candy enough to give a person a heart disease.

Granny: here, take this, It's a year's worth of candy from my store.

Saitama: (Whoa, what the hell am I supposed to do with that much candy? Should I give It to pariah?) Thanks granny.....

He then took the bag of candy from the granny's hand and continue his way of being a hero for fun.

Saitama: (I have taken out over ten monsters since I took up super hero-ing as a hobby. I'm not primarily doing It for gratitude, but....A thank you...huh? I guess what I've been doing everyday is not all for nothing.)

The easiest way to know that you were of help to someone is when they thank you.

Saitama: (being thanked makes me happy and gives me a sense of accomplishment...But the way I'm living now, I don't even have money for food...which in return gives me the energy for the next fight, however.....I have been pushing my body to the limits day after day.)

As saitama was walking and talking in his thought, he didn't notice that he pass by pariah and fuyushi who is carrying some groceries.

Pariah: was that saitama? ("Observe")



Name: saitama

Age: 23

Title: None

Race: Human

Level: 6

Hp: 800

Str: 32

Dur: 28

End: 26

Int: 21

Wis: 48

Dex: 20

Luc: 13


Fuyushi: saitama?

Pariah: He's our neighbor next door, he moved in around 8 and a half months ago.

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