"Alright, well, I'll see you tomorrow" She said waving me goodbye and I nodded.

Once dropping off the papers, I grabbed my own things and headed out of the office. It was kind of early but that was okay since I finished all of my work, and there was literally no other reason for me to stay.

As soon as I had walked out of the office, Hubert was right there taking a drag from his cigarette. I groaned in my head and tried to walk by unnoticed but when I heard him call out my name, I stopped even though I should have kept walking.

"Spencer, you're leaving early. You sure you finished all those papers?" He asked with a shit eating smirk and I wanted nothing more than to punch all of the rusty yellow teeth out of his stinking mouth but of course, I could not.

So I simply nodded.

"Should have given ya more since you seem to be able to handle it so well" he said with a smirk and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and just gave him a polite smile, something that was easy for me to do.

I literally have no idea why my boss seemed to hate my guts and honestly I didn't want to find out either. I wasn't the only one to receive this treatment. A lot of my other coworkers talked about how poorly he treats us but out of fear of losing their job, they don't say anything.

Maybe he was just at that age where he hated everyone and everything.

I hurried away from him and to my car, truly not in the mood to deal with his annoying shit anymore. When I got home, I had planned to vent all my frustrations to my brothers.

And that's what I did.

"Like, Astrid had to help me because of how much shit that guy gave me" I grumbled.

"Can you stop whining all over the table? I just cleaned it" Ares grumbled and I pouted at him.

"I don't know how much longer I can hold back before I accidentally hit this guy" I grumbled as I laid slumped over the table.

Hmm, I know what will cheer me up. A hug. Ares wouldn't willingly give me one so I needed to find someone else who would but the only ones who really comfort me are Lucas and Ceres but Lucas is with his friends and Ceres is out of commission.

"You wouldn't have to be the only one cleaning them if you would just get a job already" Lance said as he walked into the kitchen and I perked up at the sight of my older brother.

"Lanceee..." I called his name before latching onto him. Lance looked down at me with a raised eyebrow and I pouted.

"You alright?" He asked as he gave me a stiff pat on the back. I didn't mind it since he was at least trying to make an effort to make me feel better instead of just brushing me off.

"I'm not. Work was so sucky today" I cried and Lance sighed.

"Are you dying or something? I can hear your whining all the way upstairs" Max said as he walked into the kitchen and I hummed before answering.

"I just might" I said.

"Can't you go bother Roman?" Max grumbled. I let go of Lance, who seemed grateful that I released him and leaned back on the table. Lance was never the affectionate type after all.

"Is that what I am? A bother?" I asked feigning hurt. Seeing Max falter just made me smile a little.

Max hardly ever meant that crude things he would say to us, he was just a stubborn mule when it came to showing his true feelings. When he'd thought that he actually hurt one of our feelings his attitude would do a total 180° and he'd apologize. It was one of the more cuter things about him.

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