"And Mr. Styles, I see that you have some colourful words in your vocabulary. Such as 'swiggity swooty,' 'dickle dackle,' and something about 'cuecomers,'" Mr. McDevitt said loudly, causing the entire class to focus their attention on me.

"I, uh, well, you know," I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, "I have a very sexy imagination," I trailed off.

"You have an adolescent mind," he countered, causing the class the errupt with laughter.

"At least I'm not afraid to acknowledge the fact that I have raging hormones. You just sit there and tease people about their little screw ups just to cover up your own. Look, I don't care if you read women's magazines and hide cut outs in your grading folder," I smirked as his face dropped.

"And it's certainly not my business if you prefer the fashion magazines that feature women in cute knit jumpers and leggings," the class whistled.

"But, I find it amusing, that you write down editorials in the margins commenting on how they would all look better dressed in something more casual," I let my voice drop a few octaves and gave him a suggestive look.

"Haha Mr. McDevitt is a closet horn," Louis laughed into the desk, still not lifting his head.

"I am not a 'closet horn,'" he argued, "I just feel as though these things don't need to be shared with a public group."

"Well neither does my vocabulary, or half of the things you tease us about," I stated, sitting back in my chair satisfied.

"This is not a civil demonstration Mr. Styles. However, for the sake of moving forward, I will allow you this victory. Do not become accustomed to it," he turned to face the board and began to scribble out a heading.

"Thanks," Louis whispered, slowly rising his head now.

I nodded to him silently and started taking notes.


"No way does he really?" Liam pressed.

"Yes! I swear I saw it during his free period!"

"That's mad!" Liam shook his head and gathered his things from his locker.

"I knew he was the type," Niall added.

"We all have our things. I guess he just has a kink for women's magazines," Louis shrugged walking down the hallway.

"That's still kind of weird though, you know, that he cuts them out," Liam said.

"It is what it is," I winked, grabbing Louis' hand and waving to Niall and Liam as they left the building.

"My house or your house today?" I asked as we stepped out into the fresh air.

"Errrm, my house. We've been at yours the past couple nights and grandmum would probably like to do a game night or something," Louis smiled.

"Can I join?"

I whipped around violently and felt a low growl settle in my throat.

"My, my, when will you learn some manners boy?"

"Charles what are you doing here?" Louis asked quietly, shrinking beside me.

"Oh, I figured that we had a few things to work out. You never did properly say good bye you know. It hurt my feelings quite a bit," Charles said, looking at his nails and fanning them out in front of his eyes.

"You don't deserve a damn moment of his time. You need to leave," I snapped.

"I don't think you have the right to determine that. This is between Louis and I dear. You just happened to step into his life and fill that dark little hole. You're just a replacement, a rebound. Louis doesn't do well with people. He does his best to keep them happy, bless his heart, but he always ends up hurting them in the end," his tone became more condescending and Louis squeezed his eyes shut.

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