Chapter 32

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Disclaimer: the picture is not mine!


Ruby shivered after hearing the man's voice. His voice was spine-chilling. She clutched her scythe as she glanced around the manor trying to find where the man was, but she failed to do so as the voice was now right behind her.

      "Ruby, its so nice to see you again, the last time I saw you was when you were so little" the man said making Ruby quickly turn around. Nothing...... "No need to be afraid of me, Ruby" the voice said in front of her. She slashed her scythe towards the voice with rage filling up inside of her. "Missed" the man said cunningly. 

     "Granger, can you help me!" Ruby shouted frustrated looking back. She froze in place, Granger was no longer behind her. Panicking, Ruby felt her heart skip a beat. "What the hell, he was behind just a minute ago" she thought scanning her surroundings. Suddenly something grabbed her arm. She yanked her arm away only for it to be grabbed again. "Let go of me, you freak!" She yelled as she attacked with her scythe. 

     "Why are you attacking me!" Granger shouted suddenly reappearing in front of her alarmed as he dodged her attack.

     "What do you mean, I wasn't attacking you, I was attacking that man" she responded uneasily. Granger gave her a questioning look.

     "Your eyes changed color and you started to attack me. I think that you were hallucinating" he said taking a step back and observing her. "So are you good now, or you just going to attack me not of nowhere" questioned Granger. 

     "I'm fine.... for now at least" Ruby replied hesitantly. She wasn't sure how she was hallucinating, but the most likely reason was that the man could create hallucinations. "What color were my eyes?" asked Ruby.

     "Well, your blue eye was still blue, but it was a super pale blue" Granger answered. 

     "What about my red eye" Ruby asked nervous.

     "It was covered by your eye-patch, so how am I suppose to know, but i think that it was glowing a bit" replied Granger. 

     "Well, this is no good" muttered Ruby. "If we are going to be fighting him, all he has to do is create hallucinations and then we would end up attacking one other" thought Ruby biting down on her nails. 

     "Its not that bad, unless he is able to make hallucinations for the both of us" Granger said now walking further into the mansion. Ruby followed from behind.

     "Well, what if he can" questioned Ruby seriously.

     "Come on, its going to be okay, we can take him down" chuckled Granger looking back at her with a smirk.

     "Sure.... we can totally do it" Ruby said sarcastically. 

      "Ouch you don't trust me" Granger smirk putting his hand on his chest.

      "I do trust you, but I don't really like when you act like that" huffed Ruby as she could feel tears beginning to form in her eyes. She quickly took a deep breath to calm down. Her head was suddenly pulled towards Granger's chest. 

     "Okay, I'll be more serious this time" Granger said softly going through her hair. "But first we are going to need to find that man" added Granger as looked around the mansion. Ruby nodded her head and scanned as well. "Maybe, we should call him out" Granger implied noting that the man wasn't going to show himself. Granger opened his mouth only to be interrupted.

     "No need to call me out" the man said laughing over head of them. He gently landed in front of them. "Shall we continue where we left off, I didn't want to ruin your last moments together" grinned the man launching towards Ruby. She quickly leaped back and slashed at the man only for it to be an after-image. Turning around just in time to block the man's attack. BANG! The man leaped into the air to avoid the bullet, with that Ruby jumped and attacked. The man smiled as he dodged and slashed at Ruby. A small piece of her coat came off as she stepped back and used her ultimate bringing the man within Granger's ultimate range. 


He was able to land one successful hit on the man, only for the man to hiss in pain and retreat in a hurried. Ruby ran after the man and he followed quickly. While chasing after the man a thought came cross his mind. "This would be a good time for him to create hallucinations and get away!" he thought halting to a stop.

     "Ruby! Get back!" he yelled. Ruby halted and looked back at him in confusion.

     "Is there a problem chasing after him" asked Ruby, who had a sour expression for letting the man get away.

     "Yes, there is, he could have caused you to hallucinate" replied Granger catching up to Ruby. "I don't want you to attack me again, because once is enough" added Granger as they ran in the direction the man went. As they turned the hall there was at least ten vampires waiting for them. The moment they attack was their downfall. Granger shot four of the vampires as Ruby sliced the rest with ease. "So with one bullet of my ultimate was able to put the man in critical condition" he thought as they continued to search for the man as they came across more vampires. "It seems that the man is physically weak, but he is good with close combat. I haven't seem him do any range combat, so he needs to get close to attack us" Granger thought as he dodged an attack and shot the vampire in the neck. 

     "Ruby, there is something that I thought of" said Granger.

      "I think that I know what you are thinking" Ruby responded as she pierced a vampire in the stomach. Releasing her scythe caused blood to spurt out onto the floor later join by the body. Scanning the area, Granger realized how much of a mess was made of the mansion. Bodies and blood were scattered everywhere. "Its a shame to have such a beautiful building filled with so many vermins" Granger noted out loud.

     "Well thanks, then would that make me half vermin" asked Ruby giving off a pissed aurora.

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