Chapter 15

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Disclaimer: the picture is not mine it belongs to SERACHII.DEVIANTART.COM


                      "My plan worked" she thought cunning as she was closing in on a very confused prey. She had given Buttercup to Granger for a reason. Buttercup was her horse that would follow only her command if she gave her sugarcubes. Ruby knew beforhand that Granger would call her short once he got on Buttercup, because the town's people did the same thing. Buttercup was the only horse that liked her the rest just wanted to murder her. One time when she was 14 a horse kicked a bucket at her face when she was trying to groom the horse. Luckily, she dodged it and threw profanity back at the horse, who only gave her a snort in response. Ruby reached Granger and yaked him off her horse. She felt Granger stiffened as he fell onto the dirt road that was covered with autumn leaves.

                     "Why would you do that to me" he questioned looking up at her. Ruby felt a large grin appear on her face.

                     "It was payback for calling me short" said Ruby.

                     "Its the thurth though" responed Granger finally getting up. She swiftly punched Granger's shoulder. "Oww" smirked Granger. "That really hurt" he added smiling down at Ruby. She sighed that was the response that she wanted.

                     "Look, I know that you want me to stay here, but I am going with you to the Hunter's Guilde" Ruby protested staring straight at Granger's dark brown eyes. She felt unfortable when she coudn't read Granger's thoughts with his blank face. Granger peered at Ruby for what felt like a long time before he responded.

                     "Fine, but don't blame me if you get hurt" he replied coldly. Ruby couldn't help but noticed that her heart beat was accelerating.

                     "Wait here then, I am going to get the carriage" She said hopping onto Buttercup. Buttercup sprinted back to the stable. She liked how she felt tall while riding Buttercup. Her hair blew in her face as a cool breeze passed by. "Why am I having starting to have butterflies in my stomach whenever I am around him" thought Ruby as she slightly blushed.


He watched Ruby rode back to the large stable. He was quite surpised that she pulled a prank on him. Granger had mixed feeling when Ruby protested that she was going with him no matter what. First, he was immediately going todissaprove of her idea, but the other thought was that he was always alone on his missions and maybe he could get to know more about Ruby, if she went with him. He laid back on a tree and waited for Ruby to return with the carriage. His mided wonder to the time when they were star gazing. He remember the sad look that Ruby had when she wanted to float into space. "Maybe, she has something that is burdening her" he thought watching the leaves as they fell of the tree's limbs. It took a while for Ruby to come back with the carriage. Granger loaded his stuff in the back and jumped onto the carriage.

                     "I going to stop at my house to get my scythe and give Martha and Roger a letter saying that I will be gone for a while and for them to take care of themselves.

                     "Okay, thats fine with me" replied Granger as Buttercup drew the carriage to Ruby's house. Ruby got pf the carriage as it reached her house.

                      "Don't go anywhere" Ruby yelled as she went inside her house. "Now, I am going to have to wait again" he thought slumping down. "Might as well rest my eyes" Granger thought closing his eyes. He woke up with a start as the carriage jolted up.

                      "Sorry, for waking you up" hushed Ruby focusing on the road.

                      "Where are we going?" question Granger getting up and looking at his surroundings.

                       "We are going to the Hunter's Guilde remember" stated Ruby not taking her focus off the road.

                        "How do you know where the guilde is then?" Granger asked getting more confused about how Ruby knew where the guilde was.

                         "I went to the guilde once with a friend" replied Ruby.

                         "Who?" popped up Granger unable to keep his questions to himself.

                        "The person's idenity isn't important anymore" Ruby said with a sad expression crossing her face.

                        "Was it Alucard?" Granger questioned wanting to know who her so called "friend" was.

                         "NO IT WASN'T ALUCARD!" roared Ruby as she clutched tighter onto the reigns. "No more questions please" added Ruby looking down at her feet. Granger zipped up quickly and turned away. He knew when people lied, and Ruby lied about Alucard. Jealous quickly began to rise up within him. "Alucard already had a girlfriend, then what was his relatinship with Ruby" he thought furiously.  

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