Chapter 27

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Disclaimer: the picture is not mine!


The room was quite tiny. It had only a small bed in the corner, a bedside table with a bowl of water on top, and a small mirror. "Well, I guess I have to make the best with this" she thought putting down her scythe. "I didn't really think that the monastery will have so many rooms, but then there are quite a few people working here" she thought to herself. Turning around, Ruby tried to open the door. Locked. 

     "That's weird" Ruby mumbled and tried to open the door again. Still locked. Ruby tried several times to open the door, but to no avail. She heard giggling from the other side of the door. "Um, excuse me, but can you help me open this door" Ruby said out loud. There was no response, but giggling. "It's an emergency, so please help open this door" added Ruby slamming herself against the door to shove it open. Nothing. Ruby sighed as there was no more giggling. "Looks like I'm stuck here" she thought just as she hear keys dangling in the distance. Ruby perked up instantly. "Hello!, can you please help open this door its stuck" Ruby yelled banging on the door.

     "Oh, my sorry dear, I'll get you out" a lady said putting a key inside the door. Finally, Ruby was able to get out. "That door always has trouble opening from the inside" said the nun as she walked away. She made her way to the dining area, which was pretty easy to stop, since Granger was there.

     "What took you so long" asked Granger as she walked up to him. 

     "I forgot that we had to meet here, my bad" Ruby replied scratching her head. She didn't want to tell him about the door since it would have been embarrassing . He eyed her for a bit then continued to walked over to the corner table. Ruby and Granger sat down as Nina, Gavin, and Flynn showed up.

     "Okay, so you guys remember when I said that kids were disappearing, well it turns out that I'm on a list to be transferred to another monastery" Flynn whispered as he sat down.

     "But, there it's another monastery nearby though" Granger responded.

     "That's what I thought too, but a nun said that there is one far away" Flynn answered.

      "Usually, there would be a lot of kids on the list, but this time there's only a few. All of us are on the list" said Gavin nervously. Ruby looked at Nina, who hadn't said a word. Ruby could tell that she was really nervous about being on the list of kids.

     "Why would they put you guys on the list when you just got back a couple of hours ago" Ruby asked.

     "Maybe because Father thinks that you guys are up to something since you tried to run away" Granger said slumping back in his chair.

     "We shouldn't have came back here with you guys" Flynn growled at them.

     "One, you guys agreed to come, and second I'm not going to let anything terrible happen to you guys okay" Ruby chimed in.

     "Well, that's you, but what about him" Nina asked looking at Granger. Ruby looked at Granger to see that he was in deep thought.

     "I don't think that he can hear you just yet" Ruby replied with a smile. "So, would you guys mind telling me how you three became friends?" questioned Ruby just as a nun entered the dining hall.

     "Sure!" exclaimed Nina as she jumped up noticing where Ruby's glance was. "First, I'll start from the beginning" Nina cheered. Ruby carefully listened to Nina's story as she noticed the father walking into the dining hall. Ruby put on a smile as the father looked at them. "There is something seriously wrong with him" She thought as Nina finished telling her story. Once the father left, Granger got up.

     "Okay, I have a plan and a backup plans if something happens" said Granger. "You guys ready to listen or what" he added. Everybody nodded as Granger started explaining his plans. It took a long while for him to finish as a nun walked in.

     "Nina, Gavin, and Flynn its time for bed. Hurry up now, you don't want to keep everybody waiting" the nun said as Nina, Gavin, and Flynn followed her out the dining hall.

     "You sure that this plan would work?" asked Ruby curiously.

     "Yes, it would if you follow it" answered Granger. "Uhm, Ruby if I don't come out of my room could you come to check on me" he added looking away.

     "Sure, is something the matter" Ruby asked.

     "Uh no, I jut wanted to be completely prepared and ready, so it might take me awhile" Granger finished as they stopped by Ruby's room.

     "Sure, I'll check on you" Ruby said waving him goodbye. Ruby was about to close her door, but stopped herself, and opened it ever so slightly, so it wouldn't lock her in. "Definitely, don't want that to happen on the mission" she thought lying down on the bed and looking up at the ceiling. "Now, I just need to wait for two hours and thirty-five minutes. "Not that bad" she thought

Ten minutes later. "I can't take this" Ruby thought restlessly as she closed her eyes. Ruby jolted up instantly and looked up at the clocked and took a deep breath. Only fifteen minutes had passed. "This is going to be one long night" Ruby thought sighing.

End of Chapter 27!

Hope you readers enjoyed it!

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