Chapter 16

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Disclaimer: the picture is not mine!


                Ruby noticed that Granger was acting stranger after their conversation.

                "You okay" she asked placing her hand on his shoulder. Granger stiffened and swiftly turn away as her fingers grazed over his shoulder. 

                 "Did I do something wrong" questioned Ruby. "Is he trying to keep to his distance from me" she thought after there was no response from Granger. Ruby couldn't take his silence as an answer. She halted the carriage to a halt and grabbed Granger's coat collar making him face her. Anger flashed in his cold brown eyes for a millisecond only to later return to emotionless brown.

                 "Answer my question, please" Ruby said staring straight into Granger's eyes.

                  "Let go first, then maybe I would answer your silly question" Granger hissed peering into her light blue eyes. A shiver ran down her spine as she reluctantly let go of him. Granger turned back around so that she could not see his face.

                   "You did do something wrong, you lied to me" Granger stated coldly. Ruby was left bewilder by his statement.

                  "What" was that only word that slipped out of her mouth.

                   "You lied about your relationship with Alucard" he added this time glancing a peek at her. Ruby hadn't lied about Alucard, they were no longer friends and hadn't spoken to each other in like forever!

                   "No, I didn't lying about Alucard" corrected Ruby, who was still a little confused where Granger was coming from.

                   "Explain, your reasoning" Granger disputed. Ruby took a deep breath not wanting to lash out on Granger. The last thing that she needed was an anger passenger riding along with her. 

                  "Fine, I will explain, b-" She hesitated in the middle of her sentence. 

                   "I probably shouldn't asked for him to said why he is asking these questions" Ruby thought.

                   "Okay, I'm going to explain, so listen carefully because I am not going to repeat myself" said Ruby. Granger sat up and gave her his full attention.

                   "You see, me and Alucard used to be friends for a long time. When we were friends, I started to develop feelings for him and I was about to ask him out when he told me that he wanted to date Miya" sputter Ruby as she was holding back tears as her feeling at that time were coming back. "So, I hide the fact that I was heart-broken and accepted that he loved Miya" finished Ruby as a tear slowly dripped down her cheek.

                  "Stop crying you baby, now Granger will think that I'm weak!" she thought criticizing herself. In the bottom of her heart she felted relived to spill out the her feeling to someone she could trust. Ruby quickly wiped away her tears and started the carriage. Granger mumbled something under his breath.

                   "What did you said" Ruby questioned curious about his thoughts.

                    "I understand how you feel" said Granger a little louder for her to hear.

                     "Did the same thing happen to him" thought Ruby trying to figure out who he would like, but couldn't find one. She was about to ask he who he liked before she stopped herself. "That wouldn't be a good thing to said" Ruby thought now focusing on the road. They had arrived at the Hunter's Guild in about an hour. Ruby jumped off after Granger did and tied up the carriage to a post.

                      "I'll wait for you" Granger said as Ruby was tying up the carriage.

                      "Sorry Buttercup, but you are going to have to wait" soothed Ruby petting Buttercup's mane as she whined. She jogged over to Granger as he held the door for her. Ruby was quite surprise to see that the guild was almost deserted.

                     "Hey, Granger long time no see" a lady's voice said. Ruby turned to see Lesley. "Oh, Ruby, nice to see you too" added Lesley waving at her. She gave back a small wave and looked back for Granger. To her surprise he wasn't there! 

                    "Where did he g-" She thought spotting him at the main desk. Ruby quickly walked over to him. "I wonder what mission he is going to get" thought Ruby as she got to the main desk.

                    "There have been figures with red eyes spotted in the burned villages of the Leonians. There have been no problems, but to make sure you are going to go there and investigate." The old man said pointing at the map where the Leonian's village was.

                    "Is there a more difficult mission" Granger said with disappointment. Ruby didn't understand what was wrong with that mission.

                    "Well, since you where late all the "good" mission's where taken" the man replied with a gruff voice. Granger sighed and accepted the mission and walked out the guild without saying a word as he left Ruby behind with the old man.

                     "What's wrong with him" Ruby blurted without a second thought.

                      "He secretly likes to show off" the old man whispered giving Ruby a wink. She could hear Lesley trying to hold back a laugh.

                       "Everything is wrong with him in a good way" Lesley replied to Ruby's questioned. She gave a confused look at Lesley.

                       "One, he is super shy, Two, he can't talk to girls, Three, he is a complete mess" said Lesley. "Hey, Ruby what are you doing with Granger" she added looking at her.

                        "Oh, I just came here to go with him on a mission" answered Ruby.

                         "Watch after him please because he is going to try something dangerous to impress you" responded Lesley.

                          "How do you know that" questioned Ruby with curiosity.

                          "We went on a mission once, and he almost got himself killed" replied Lesley. Something clicked in Ruby's head. 

                           "Lesley, was the one who Granger had a crush on" she thought no knowing that her mouth was wide open. She realized that her mouth was opened and close it looking at Lesley.  She understood why Granger had a crush on Lesley immediately. She was really pretty, strong, and independent woman with bold features.

That's the end of chapter 16!

Hoped you enjoyed reading it!

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See u next week! Peace!

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