Chapter 13

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Disclaimer: the picture is not mine!


Granger finally was able to finish his shower without further interruptions. He dried himself off and treated his wound. He wrapped himself with new bandages and put back on his clothes. Stepping into the hallway he looked to see the empty room.

            "I probably shouldn't go into that room" he thought. Granger was about to go downstairs when he heard Ruby's bedroom door open. He quickly turned around to see Ruby poking her head out the door.

             "Not tired" she said softly. Granger shook his head in response.

              "Follow me than" Ruby said disappearing back into her room. He just stood there confused about what she just said. 

               "Are you coming or not" Ruby questioned him. He slowly followed Ruby into her room. He noticed that her window was opened. Ruby crawled out the window onto the roof and Granger did the same.

               "What are we doing on the roof" Granger said looking down to the ground.

                "Star gazing" she replied carefully walking on the roof. He sat down next to Ruby, who was laying down. He look up into the marvelous sky that was full of twinkling stars. He looked at Ruby's soft blue eye that was full of s-

                "What is it" she said looking up at him. He quickly change his gaze back up to the sky.

                 "Nothing" he replied "The sky is very beautiful at night".

                 "Yeah, the sky looks so peaceful at night doesn't it" Ruby said pointing to a shooting star. Granger nodded following the shooting star as it disappeared into the atmosphere. He laid down and watch the stars.

                  "Lets have a competition" she said with delight.

                   "What's the challenge" he replied getting his game face on.

                   "The first person to find a constellation wins" Ruby said. "Ready....Set.....Begin!" she chirped looking up at the sky. Granger did the same scanning the sky for a constellation. He scanned and scanned the sky for what felt like hours. Finally he found one!

                   "There!" Ruby and Granger said in unison. They both looked at each other in silence.

                    "Well I guess its a tied then" Granger smirked pointing to his constellation. Ruby looked at where he was pointing to and smiled.

                      "I found the same one" Ruby chimed in pointing to the Scorpio constellation that Granger found. A cool breeze pasted by as the leaves of the trees rustled. Granger take a deep breath of the fresh air as Ruby did the same.

                       "I hate being injured" Ruby pouted.

                       "Why" Granger said looking at her.

                      "One- it hurts, Two- I have to stay cooped up in my house, and lastly people have to take care of me." Ruby said with a sign looking at the sky.

                       "Do you think that it would be cool to live in space?" wonder Ruby.

                       "No, because you will just float in space" Granger answer.

                       "What if you had the ability to fly in space? Would you then?" added Ruby.

                       "I am not comfortable with being in a new environment. Besides I like it here on earth" Granger said. "Why did you asked?" Granger questioned looking at Ruby. She sighed.

                        "I think it would be cool to be flying in space; you will feel weightless like nothing is holding you back" Ruby replied. He noticed that her eye was full of sadness. He got up and brushed his coat off. He lend as hand to Ruby. She put her small pale hand into his. He pulled her up and let go.

                       "Tomorrow, I am leaving early to go the Hunter's Guild" He said walking back to Ruby's window.

                        "Oh, well I can give you a ride" Ruby replied entering the window.

                         "No, you still need time to full recover" Granger noted pointing at Ruby's arm. Ruby stomped the floor.

                        "I'm completely fine! My arms feel better" Ruby shouted crossing her arm.

                        "SHHH! You are going to wake up everyone with your loud voice, and besides feeling better doesn't mean that you fully heal yet, so stop whining you look like a child" Granger whispered. Ruby huffed as she sat on her bed displeased.

                         "I'm not a child" Ruby argued glaring at him. "At least a one of the horse it would make your journey faster and you can keep it.

                          "That is a better deal, but I won't be keeping the horse. I will return it when I come back here again to check up on you to see how you are doing" Granger said existing her room and going downstairs to sleep.


Ruby couldn't help but feel sad when Granger felt her room. She flopped down on her bed and sighed. She recalled the moment when they where on the roof. Ruby felt comfortable around him. She shook her head disapproving that idea, but she couldn't. His hand was so warm when he helped her up. She could feel her face burning and her heart beat getting faster.

                 "No, not again" she thought recognizing this feeling that she had. She cuddle her pillow and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Dear readers, sorry for this shorter chapter!

Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as I did while writing it!

Also I will tried to update every Saturday!





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