Chapter 7

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Disclaimer: the artwork is not mine!


               "Nice to see you again Pale Tusk" Ruby said staring at him. "You going to run like a wussy the last time you tried to raid my village" jeered Ruby already in battle position. Pale Tusk just laughed and began to circle around Ruby. "Sh*t this is a two vs one, I must need of ways to attack without getting hurt" Ruby thought not keep her eyes off the werewolves that were now circling her. Ruby had been in situations were she was out number so this was no big deal. The secondary werewolf leaped as Ruby dodged it swiftly and was able to catch Pale Tusk off guard as she used her ultimate. Pale Tusk gasped at his wounds.

               "You will pay for this you brat" howled Pale Tusk ready to attack at any given moment. He leaped just as Ruby dodged, but the other werewolf was able to scar Ruby's right arm again making the wound from before bigger. Ruby yelped in pain trying not to lose focus on her enemies.

               "Your just all talk" Pale Tusk snickered licking his lips. Ruby didn't want to take off her eye patch to help her in battle, but she was being pushed to that option. "I must not take off my patch" repeated Ruby in her head. The werewolves attacked again. Luckily, Ruby was able to dodge them both and used her second skill trying to heal her wound. She was able to get a decent amount of life steal to heal parts of her wound. Immediately after Ruby used her first skill to slow the werewolves down and to get enough space away from them. 

                 Ruby was not expecting a surprise attack as a third werewolf sprang into action and pinned Ruby to the ground. She tried to struggle from the werewolf's grasp, but it was no use. "How I'm going to get out of this situation now" thought Ruby as the other two werewolves came closer. The third werewolves sniffed her wound and grinned. Damn their breaths smells so bad, probably since they just torn through one of the council member's body, and now she will be next. In front of her was Pale Tusk who was now transforming to his "human" form.

             "Hey, Pale Tusk would you minded changing back into to your wolf form, because you look like sh*t in human form" Ruby said with a smirk.

             "You really don't know when to stop do you" Pale Tusk added crushing Ruby's left hand. Ruby could hear a bone being snapped like a twig as she cursed in pain. Ruby could feel tears run down her check.

              "Look at that the girl who thought she could kill the entire werewolf race is now crying" said Pale Tusk leaning down to get a closer look. "But since you did kill most of my friends I won't give you an easy death" added Pale Tusk outlining the wounds on her right arm. Of course he was not going to give her an easy death, but a long painful one. "Only if she had bac-" what was she thinking about back up there was no one there to help her. She was all alone and was going to die at the hands of filthy werewolves. She was lost in thought when she overheard Pale Tusk.

              "Let her get up" he said as the werewolf on top of her let her go. Ruby slowly got up and faced Pale Tusk who was now smiling. "Lets fight" Pale Tusk said showing his claws. Ruby didn't want to since she was about to lose consciousness, but if she wanted to escape it would be to get passed Pale Tusk even though her changes were slim. As Ruby was about to attack she could hear more howling from were her village was. "Great! werewolves struck again on the same today just my luck" she thought. Ruby attacked first using her first skill to slow down Pale Tusk. Furious, Pale Tusk leaped at Ruby. 

              She dodge the attack and did not except Pale Tusk to strike again faster. Ruby felt like her ribcage was cracked were Pale Tusk had punched her. The attack made Ruby's body ache even more. Pule Tusk used this opportunity to strike again slamming his body on her fragile body sending Ruby tumbling to the ground. He was about to attack again as a werewolf jumped out of nowhere and attacked Pale Tusk. Pale Tusk was shocked by the new challenger. Ruby looked at her savoir as her vision was going in and out. She noticed that the werewolf had a belt around his/her waist. "She knew that belt! It was ROGER'S!" Ruby thought before she passed out.


Granger woke up to the sound of yelling. He jolted up and looked around his surroundings. He realize that he was in a carriage with Martha grabbing onto the reins as the horses, who were going crazy.

               "Where am I, and what is going on here" he yelled at Martha who was dumbstruck.

               "Werewolves attack our village and set the council building on fire" Martha said jumping off the carriage as he did the same. Martha went to the nearest pole and tied the horses. Granger noticed that Ruby was gone!

               "Were is Ruby" Granger exclaimed looking at Martha.

                "She went into the woods" Martha yelled so that she could be heard from the chaos. Granger was about to go in the woods when he hear screaming from the village. "Sorry Ruby" he thought as he changed his course. As he was in the village he could see three werewolves surrounding a child and mother. Granger used his ultimate and killed the werewolves as his bullets pierced the werewolves fur. 

                 He dashed pass the kid and the mother and ran where he heard howling. He arrived just in time before the werewolves could attack any more of the villagers. He looked at six more werewolves, one of them howled followed by the other five. "Well this might take a while" he thought noting that his ultimate was able to pierce their fur, but he didn't think that his regular bullets that were made to kill demons would leave a scratch on the werewolves. Well that left one option, to blind the werewolves. That was easy for him since he practiced shooting targets in the face that were far away. After a minute, Granger ran passed the blind werewolves that were now howling in pain.

              "RUBY" he yelled at the top of his lungs. He stopped when he heard a howl not far from were he was. He raced in that direction and stopped in his tracks. In front of him was three dead werewolves and one werewolf closing onto Ruby. Granger's heart dropped as he saw Ruby's bloody body laying down lifeless. He raised his violin ready to attack the werewolf that was now near Ruby's body. The weird thing about this werewolf was that it wore a belt. Not wanting to be distracted he used his ultimate.

Hehehe another cliffhanger! Bye~

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