Chapter 25

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Disclaimer: this artwork is not mine!


Ruby still was still lost in her thoughts. "How would the vampires react if they saw me? Would they know that I'm a half vampire? Are there other half-vampires like me?" She thought as the elegant man appeared in her mind.

     "Your a monster" the man said, Shaking her head furiously to get the terrifying dream out of her thoughts. "Maybe the vampires already knew that I was a half vampire, but how?" thinking about this thing made Ruby feel dizzy. Taking a deep breath, Ruby looked up at the sky. It was a beautiful shade of light blue with clear sky and the sun beamed down on her faced.

     "What a lovely day" said Ruby smiling to herself. "Its so peaceful" she thought just as Buttercup stopped in her tracks. "What's wrong, Buttercup" Ruby said confused. Buttercup tilted her head and neighed. Ruby looked in the direction to see three young children by the side of the road. "Hey! Are you kids okay?" asked Ruby jumping of the carriage. Granger was fast asleep to notice the carriage coming to a stop. The children huddled together scared. "Why in the world would young children be without their parents" she thought getting closer to the kids. "Why are you kids here without your parents" Ruby asked crutching down. The three children whispered to each other as the blonde boy in the middle stepped forward. 

     "We where only trying to find Nina's older brother" the boy sputtered nervously.

     "Gavin! Why did you tell her" squeaked a brown hair girl. 

     "Well, no matter the reason you guys can't be out here because its very dangerous" warned Ruby.

     "But where we're from its not safe either" the red-headed boy said.

     "Yeah!" Nina chimed in.

     "Why is that" questioned Ruby curiously.

     "Our friends are disappearing without a trace, and so we didn't want that to happen to us, so we ran away" Gavin replied.  

     "So where do you guys live that is so dangerous" Ruby asked.

     "Its the monastery" the red-head boy said. Ruby's mind came to a quick halt.

     "WHAT!" shouted Ruby in surprise. The children jolted and stepped away from her. "HOW! MANY KIDS DID YOU KNOW WENT MISSING! PLEASE ANSWER THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT!!" Ruby shouted clasping her hands onto the kids shoulder. The children were completely bewildered as Ruby pounded them down with questions.

     "Woah, calm down lady" the red-headed boy said stepping out of her grasp. "How do we know that your not one of them" questioned the boy glaring at her. Ruby was dumbfounded about what the boy just said.

     "Flynn! Don't be so rube, maybe she wants to help us" Gavin yelled at Flynn.

     "Why don't you just shut up, weren't you the one who said that we couldn't trust anyone!" Flynn shouted back.

     "Hey! No fighting, I need answers and maybe I can do a favor in return" Ruby said pulling the boys away from each other. 

     "What favor" asked Nina looking at Ruby with her amber eyes. Ruby stared into Nina's amber eyes. "I have seen amber eyes before" she thought in shock.

     "Is your brother's name, Alex, right" Ruby asked, making Nina's eyes widen.

     "H-how did you know" squeaked Nina.

     "Because I saw him, and he's doing really good" said Ruby lying about the second part.

      "Can you take us to him!" squealed Nina.

      "Of course, I just need to know a couple of things about the monastery, then I will help you get to your brother, deal" said Ruby holding out her hand. Nina looked at Gavin and Flynn for consent. Both of the boys nodded, and Nina quickly shook Ruby's hand. "Now, you guys will have to come with me since I'm not going to let you guys be alone on the road" Ruby said. The children looked at each other confused. "Great! I bet I sounded like a kidnapper" Ruby thought realizing what she said. 

     "Okay, we go with you" Flynn said crossing  his arms. Ruby was glad that there was enough space for the kids in the carriage.

     "Who is the guy sleeping" Nina said pointing to sleeping Granger.

      "Oh, he's my partner for this mission" answered Ruby holding the reins. 

     "You are on a mission! Tell us about it!" exclaimed Gavin.

      "Sorry, but its a secret. Umm... will you guys mine going back to the monastery, since that's where I'm going" said Ruby. Shortly after she said that the children exploded!

     "WHAT WE JUST LEFT THAT PLACE!" screamed Gavin. Nina started to cry.

     "So, you are one of them!" yelled Flynn at Ruby.

      "Why, the hell is it so loud" Granger shouted getting up and looked around wondering why there were kids in the carriage, then looked at Ruby.

     "Well, I got a lot of explaining to do!" thought Ruby as everyone one on the carriage stared at her.


Granger woke up to the sound of children screaming.

     "Why, the hell is it so loud" he shouted finally waking up. Granger just stared at the kids in the carriage then looked at Ruby. "What in the devils name is going on" he asked Ruby bewildered.

     "Well, I saw this kids on the road alone, and they now a couple things about the monastery. So I thought that they might help us in the mission" Ruby explained quickly.

     "First, their kids they can't do anything. Second, I lived in the monastery most of my life, so I know things about the monastery. Now you can just leave the kids"

     "But! Ruby made a deal, so we can't leave" a brown haired girl chimed in. Granger glared at Ruby.

     "You remember the man that we meet before, turns out that she is her younger sister and the deal was that they help us, and I let them see him" Ruby said looking down and playing with her coat. Granger let out a sigh.

     "Well, guess there is nothing I can do now, lets just get this mission over with" Granger said turning away for the children. "Hey, kids don't do anything stupid when we get to the monastery" Granger added.

     "We're not that troublesome" the red-head boy sneered. "Well, this is going to be a long ride" Granger thought.

     "Okay, we are going to need a plan, and are you kids mental and physical prepare about what is going to happen when we go into the monastery" Granger said looking at the children.

     "We all seen gruesome things, so there is no need to worry about us" the red-haired boy smiled. 

     "Good, because things are going to get bloody" smirked Granger.

End of Chapter 25!

Hope you readers enjoyed reading!

(Old One)Tainted Hearts [Ruby x Granger]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ