Chapter 8

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Disclaimer: the picture is not mine!


The werewolf was able to dodge his ultimate. This surprised Granger not only did the werewolf dodged but it had his back to him! The werewolf growled as he started to change in to human form. Granger had never seen a werewolf transform, so he was quite intrigued. The werewolf had finally finish his transformation. He was middle-aged and was pretty ripped.

        "I wish I could have a ten pack abs" Granger mumbled as he moved towards Ruby's lifeless body.

        "Are you Ruby's friend" the man said staring at him. Granger didn't really know how to answer the question since he didn't think that Ruby would call him a friend.

         "I'm just an acquaintance of hers" Granger replied. "How do you know her?" questioned Granger. He was not quite uncomfortable with this man knowing Ruby.

         "It's a long story, but I will explain to you once we get Ruby some were safe." the man said moving closer to Ruby.

         "Am going to carry her" Granger said still not trusting this man. As Granger crouched to see Ruby's body he noticed that there were scars on her right arm and her left hand was broken. Good thing she was still alive, but she was out cold. He carefully lifted her body into his arms not wanted to make her wounds worse. He noticed that she was pretty cold and had a slow beating rate. The man picked up her scythe and walked pass Granger.

         "We need to hurry fast or else she will died" the man said. Granger just nodded and followed the man back to the village. He couldn't help but noticed that the man was concerned for Ruby at a pretty high level. They had finally reached the village. Granger saw that the people were able to take out the fire. The man walked into Ruby's house like it was no big deal! He was know getting more suspicious of this man, but he decide that he would let that down since Ruby was on the bridge of death. He entered Ruby's home and gently placed her down on the couch. He took out his small first aid kit and started to work on Ruby's right arm. The man went and got a cloth and a bowl of warm water. Granger put the cloth onto Ruby's cold forehead.

         "Please don't die" Granger thought as he worked on her wounds. Just then Martha burst into the living room with someone else behind her.

          "Granger you can take a break" Martha said. She stopped in her tracks as she saw the unknown man. Martha was about to say something, but Granger stopped her. He noticed that Angela was behind Martha. Granger got up and sat on a chair near Ruby, as Martha did the same. Angela went to Ruby and started healing her.

          "Will she be okay" Granger said.

          "Yes, she will be fine" Angela said softly not look up at him.

          "How did you know that Ruby was here wounded" Granger asked looking at Martha.

           "I knew because I overheard the villagers, and Angela along with Alpha were nearby since they noticed the smoke; and who the HELL is this guy! Martha yelled unable to control her anger.

           "I am not just some random guy, lady!" the man yelled back. "And let me explain my story" the man added. Martha calmed down and sat back in her seat. Granger could heard Angela sighing while shaking her head. The man cleared his throat and told his back round. Granger was able to feel a little more comfortable around Roger when he said that he stayed with Ruby when she was a kid. After Roger finished his story Granger still had one question.

           "How come you can turn into a werewolf if your a human?" asked Granger not wanting to be rude.

            "That's another story I will tell if you two will tell me your connections with Ruby. Martha looked at Granger and they both nodded. Martha went first. Martha tried to hold back hers tears when she was talking about her husband. Roger was  shock to hear that Ruby allowed Martha to stay in her house. After she was finished it was Granger's turn. Granger didn't really feel like talking about his connections because both Roger and Martha had better connections. Only if there was a way out of this situation. Just then Angela got up.

           "I have finished healing Ruby, and she will wake up in two days." Angela said.

            "TWO DAYS" yelled the trio at the same time. Angela was a little shock about their reactions.

            "Hey, I was able to heal Ruby, not her trauma" Angela replied opening the door. "Oh!, one more thing Ruby can't do anything with her arms because it might cause her pain; doctors order!" she said leaving the home to meet up with Alpha. The room was completely silent when Angela left.

           "So what now" Granger said hoping that they would forget to ask him about his relationship with Ruby.

          "Well, for a start you can explain your connections with Ruby" Roger said smirking.

           "Well, here goes nothing" thought Granger as he began telling his connections with Ruby.

           "If you really are just an acquaintance of hers why are you here" Roger asked with curiosity. Granger swallows hard when Martha explain everything even the incident where he shot Ruby. He looked at Roger to see that his face was red.

            "My life is now down to the abyss now" he thought as Roger's face was as red as a tomato.

            "How in the world can you accidentally shot someone" Roger barked at Granger.

           "Shut up, you don't want to wake up Ruby" Martha said glaring at Roger.

           "Now Granger could you carry Ruby for me and follow me to her room" Martha added getting up and walking up the steps. Granger pick up Ruby. He was relieved that her color came back to her face along with her body heat. He followed Martha up to Ruby's room. She had a small plain room that was not decorated. He laid her down on her bed. On top of the bed was a shelf that had one MVP throphy.

           "You are pretty strong for carrying Ruby all the way here" Martha said looking in Ruby's dresser for fresh clothes.

            "I am not that strong" Granger said feeling his six pack and comparing them to Roger's. He left when Martha was changing Ruby. He noticed a picture on the wall. He saw child Ruby with two elderly people. They must be her grandparents, I wonder what happen to them; he thought descending down the stairs.

(Old One)Tainted Hearts [Ruby x Granger]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz