Chapter 29

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Disclaimer: the picture is not mine!


Ruby stared in shock as the man in white stepped down from the carriage. Her heart pounding against her chest. She was filled with uncontrollable rage. The man in front of her was the man who killed her parents. Removing her eye-patch as it slowly dropped to the floor. "This man is so unforgivable" she thought stepping in front of the man and his followers. 

      "Its been awhile, Ruby" the man grinned looking at her. She lifted her scythe towards him.

      "Why did you kill my parents" Ruby growled glaring at the man.

      "Oh, shouldn't that be water under the bridge, its been awhile since I killed your parents" he smirked. Ruby took a step back when the man came closer.

      "You didn't answer my question!" she shouted.

       "Look, I have business to do, so would you please step aside" the man sighed. Ruby was filled with rage.

      "NO!" she said blocking his way to the monastery. Quickly, Ruby slashed her scythe and leaped forward. Using her ultimate, as she caught the man, only for him to disappear into smoke. Then his followers attacked Ruby. She quickly dodged them and used her second skill, making it easier for Granger to hit all three bullets using his ultimate. All three of the man's followers were killed in an instant as Granger's bullets pierce into their bodies. Relief flowed through her body only for a moment.

     "Where did that man go?" Ruby questioned herself glancing behind her to see of he was there. Suddenly, something slammed onto Ruby making her fall back and slam against the front door of the monastery.

      "What the hell" groaned Ruby looking to see what happened. Granger was beside her coughing heavily.  "Are you okay" she yelled.

      "Yep! I'm totally fine didn't expect to be throw so far" he said as he got up. Thanks man in white appeared before them. 

      "Usually that would kill most people, but you were still able to get up. Humans still impress me" said the man. 

      "Well, I can tell you one thing sir is that I'm not an average person" Granger replied pointing his gun forward. 

      "I can tell" the man grin as Ruby picked herself up. "Well since you guys are blocking my way, I'll just leave for now. Hopefully, we will meet again later" 

      "You not going anywh-" Granger yelled using his first skill, but the man already vanished. With the man gone, Ruby realized how much of  Granger's plan she messed up with her unreasonable outburst.

      "I'm very sorry, it's all my fault he got away" Ruby mumbled.  Granger looked back at her and brought her closer to him.  Ruby felt the warmth from his body transfer over to her.

      "At least none of us morality injured, plus we can still track him" Granger said kissing Ruby on the forehead. Ruby blushed confused on how they would track the man down.

       "How would we find him though?" questioned Ruby. 

       "Remember Alex" Granger replied with a grin.

      "Yeah, but what about him" asked Ruby.

      "Well, I think that he knows where that man lives" Granger replied.

       "How? He doesn't even know anyone in higher ranks" Ruby protested to Granger.

       "Maybe he didn't know enough to think that it was useful information" answered Granger.

        "I promised Nina that I would take her and her friends to her brother" Ruby said opening the front door to the monastery and going in. She ran back to the room where the kids where. Nina, Flynn, and Gavin were waiting for her.

      "We waited long enough" Flynn mumbled under his breath. Gavin jabbed his elbow into Flynn's stomach.

      "Be grateful that she even decide to get us the hell out of this place" advised Gavin. Flynn just nodded. Ignoring that small moment, Ruby checked on the other orphans to see if they were fine. They were all right, but tired from running around to much.

      "Okay, lets go" Ruby said leading them to the front door of the monastery. Granger was waiting from them by the carriage.

      "Did you take care of the Father" Ruby whispered to Granger. He nodded and hopped onto the carriage. The kids jumped in the back cheerfully.

      "So, I'm going to see my brother" Nina asked excitedly.

      "Yes, we are" Granger replied. Nina cheered in the back. 

       "I finally get to see my brother again!" she chirped. Ruby could sense that Granger was annoyed by the noise that the kids were making, but it wouldn't be for long before it would be just them in the carriage.

      "So was the father a vampire" Ruby asked quietly not wanting the kids to hear.

      "He was in the process of becoming one, but I easily finished him off" Granger said in a low tone. 

      "Do you know where the nearest inn would have been back at burned village" Ruby said leading Buttercup on the road to the burned down village.

      "Yes, I do. Want me to take the reins?" he asked. Ruby agreed and they switched spots. Ruby looked in the woods in thought. She wished she knew more about the man, who murder her parents. Maybe even get the reason why he did it, but it would have to wait until she finally gets the man in a tight spot.

Sorry Readers, that you guys had to wait so long for the next update (which is very short!) :(

School has been a mess with projects to complete!

I think about moving my updating schedule to once every two weeks on Saturday or Sunday.

I hope that you guys enjoy reading my story! 


(Old One)Tainted Hearts [Ruby x Granger]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz