Chapter 17

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Disclaimer: the picture is not mine!


             He walked out of the Hunter's Guild disappointed. He wanted a difficult mission, so that he could spend more time with Ruby.

            "Now, she will probably think I'm weak" he thought just as Ruby exited the guild. He couldn't help, but stiffened as Ruby looked at him with her blue eyes.

             "I think that the mission, we have is a pretty good one" Ruby said with a smile. He actually felt relived that she liked the mission. "Since, its not that difficult, we can spend more time getting to know each other more" added Ruby getting the carriage ready with his help.

              "You actully think that our mission is a good one" questioned Granger with uncertainty thinking that Ruby just wanted him to feel better. 

              "Yeah, I think that its cool, becuase then we can act like detectives" Ruby exclaimed happily hopping onto the carriage. Granger got on after Ruby did.

               "Why, detectives?" he asked with curiosity to Ruby.

                "Since, we have to find information about these red-eyed figures that roam around the burned Leonian village" She replied starting the carriage. Granger began to think about how wrong he was to Ruby as they were coming to the Hunter's Guild.

                 "Sorry, that I was being inconsiderate early" said Granger apologizing to Ruby.

                  "No, its fine, but why did you care about my relationship with Alucard" responded Ruby with curiosity. He gulped as Ruby asked him why.

                  "Because I have feeling for you" Granger thought shaking out that thought. "I was just curious " he lied playing with his violin case.

                  "Can you actually play the violin" asked Ruby. Granger nodded in response. "Decently" she added doubting his skills.

                   "I been playing the violin for years, Ruby" Granger answer a little annoyed.

                   "Well, the first time I heard you play, it was terrible" she replied defensively.

                    "That tune was to attract demons" he said. "Maybe, it worked to well as I was able to attracted you" added Granger with a smirk leaning towards Ruby. Ruby pushed him back and huffed crossing her arms.

                     "I was going to tell you to stop playing, because you sucked at playing" Ruby said in a defensive position.

                      "Ouch, maybe I should have aimed for your heart instead of you shoulder" Granger said playfully nudging Ruby. She gave him a confused look.

                       "If you aimed for my heart, I would have died" replied Ruby.

                        "You took it to literally" he added sighing. It took a while for Ruby to comprehend what he said. Granger looked at her when she finally got his idea. He liked how Ruby tried to hide her blushing by turning away. Granger opened his case and took out his violin and began to play a soft melody.


Delightful music started to fill the autumn air while Granger played. Ruby took a quick glance at Granger, making her heart flutter uncontrollably. He look so peaceful and elegant while playing his violin. Ruby's face began to redden as she was thinking about him kissing her. She tried several times to get that thought out of her head, but it would always pop back up like a spring. She looked at Granger again this time taking in all his wonderful features slowly.

                    "How could Granger be so hot" She thought not noticing that she blurted it out. Ruby quickly cover her mouth as Granger halted the music and stared at her. Ruby felt like she wanted to crawl in a hole and never come out.

                    "Why must I embarrass myself like this" thought Ruby covering her face with her hands.

                    "You think I'm hot" he questioned her raising a brow.

                     "No! I meant that you were unique..... No! handsome.... wonderful" Ruby said sputtering her words everywhere, before she gave up and hid her face under her hood and turned away. Her heart was beating faster than before as there was complete silence.

                      "What if he can her my heart beat" Ruby thought closing herself in.

                       "Why thank you, I think I you are brave, cute, knowledgeable, beautiful, and outstanding" Granger replied giving her a small smile, that made her feeling for him grow.

                        "I really like this feeling" Ruby thought as her head was in the clouds.

                        "Tha--nks" sputtered Ruby while thinking off all the things that he said about her. Granger pull down her hood that was covering her face.

                         "Don't hid your precious face from me" he said jokingly. Ruby blushed with that compliment. Never before in her life, that she felt this much appreciation. Granger started back his soft melody as Ruby carefully listened to each tune.

                          "Its so beautiful and calm" she thought as she slowly began to drift of to sleep resting her head on Granger's shoulder.

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