Chapter 21

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Disclaimer: the picture is not mine!


Ruby just stared at her reflection in shock. Her once red eye was now glowing crimson red. Just like her father's eyes. GLOWING CRIMSON RED. "Does that mean I'm a vampire......... but my mom is human" Ruby thought as her mind stormed with thoughts.

       "I'm half vampire" she muttered. Ruby noticed that a bathroom stall opened. "There's someone in the bathroom!" Ruby thought looking at the stall through the mirror. A little girl walked out of the stall and stopped in her tracks looking at Ruby in horror. Ruby forgot that she didn't have her eyepatch on.

       "Y-y-our eye i-s-s red" the girl managed to say as her legs were shaking.

       "Oh yeah, my bad" Ruby replied quickly snatching her eyepatch and walked out. "That could have gone horribly wrong" thought Ruby opening the door to the room. Granger was there sitting on the bed almost like he was waiting for her.

       "You okay" asked Granger looking at her suspiciously. 

       "Yeah, I'm fine just had a bad dream and thought that it was real. Funny right" responded Ruby nervously. Granger frowned like he knew she lied.

       "Well, just tell me when you think is the right time" said Granger getting up. "Do you want to start the mission, since we are both awake, although it's almost late" he added putting on his coat. Ruby looked out the small circular window and saw that it was in the late afternoon. To be quite honest, Ruby's limbs were begging to go outside.

       "I'm ready when you are" she said.

       "Well, let's go then" Granger replied walking out of the room as Ruby followed. They walked down to the lobby and checked out. Once outside, Ruby sprinted over to Buttercup.

       "Sorry girl, I wasn't feeling well" said Ruby patting Buttercup. Buttercup huffed understandingly. Granger and Ruby set up the carriage and took off. Not many people were on the road since nobody wants to be outside in the dark and risked getting attacked. Ruby felt guilty not telling Granger about her dream. "Probably should tell him, before it gets out of hand" thought Ruby glancing over at Granger. The sun made his dark brown eyes glow. She let a sigh and took a deep breath.

       "Will, you still listen to me, even if my dream is really weird" said Ruby. 

        "Sure, everyone has weird dreams once in awhile" replied Granger leaning in closer to her. Ruby began with how she was falling down in a dark hole and falling face first on the wooden floor of the lobby. She could see that Granger was holding in a chuckle. Ruby jabbed in elbow into his side. Continuing, to where she could pass through people like a ghost and how they were not able to see her. Ruby held back her tears when she got to her parents. Explaining what they looked like to Granger. She told him about how two figures in black wanted to kill her father as her mother left to go upstairs. 

Ruby was shaking as she explained that her father kill the figures instantly. Her voice got raspy as  Ruby told Granger about a another figure dressed elegantly and how he kill both her parents. Not even leaving out her mother's fate. Telling him how the elegant figure told her that it was her fault that her parents were dead and the burning lobby. Lastly she told Granger how he saved her. 

       "That's the end of my dream" Ruby said as a teardrop rolled down her check. Granger quickly wiped away the tear and embraced Ruby.

        "Thanks for trusting me, Ruby" he said kissing her head. "Also, you are not a monster" added Granger.

         "But, I am a half vampire" sputtered Ruby clutching Granger's coat.

         "So, no matter who your parents are you are still you" Granger said patting Ruby before letting go.

          "Thanks" Ruby replied softly wiping her tears.


He was alittle disappointed that Ruby didn't said the part where she loved him, but nevertheless she was opening up to him. He was quite surprised that Ruby was a half vampire. He thought that it was cool. Of course him told himself to tell Ruby later since right now was not the time. Granger let go of Ruby to give her some space. "This is the first time someone actually told him about a difficult told. He didn't know quite what to do since he was social awkward with people and never show his real emotions. He even noticed a change in himself whenever he was around Ruby.

He felt like Ruby should never judge him and respected other's space. He was becoming more open with her. "Maybe I should tell her about my life" he thought looking at the sky as it got darker. They made it to the burned Leonian village at night. They settled Buttercup and the carriage near by bushes. He got off and Ruby followed scythe at hand. His gun was loaded even though there probably wasn't going to be an ambush. "You never no" he thought scanning the area before entering the burned village. Ruby did the same and followed right after him.

It was quiet in the burned village as the moonlight shined on them. Granger remember the old man saying that the firgues had red eyes. "Was it possible that vampires were popping up near this village" he thought to himself looking around the village. "Why would vampires show up in a burned village, vampires were sensitive to light and heat, plus they been away so long that they become a myth" Granger thought getting a glimpse at Ruby. "Maybe they were trying to hide from the humans, but maybe some didn't want to follow" he thought as he noticed a slight move in the woods. Ruby instantly got in position, her eye focused on the movement. He too di the same readying his gun.

More bushes began to rustle closer to them. The thing was come forward. "I don't see a thing" he thought as something leaped out of the bushes.

End of Chapter 21!

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