Chapter 14

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Disclaimer: the picture is not mine!


Ruby woke up slowly and rubbed her eyes. She looked outside to see that it was pretty early. Ruby brushed her teeth and washed her face. While going downstairs she could smell bacon and eggs. Her stomach growled as Ruby enter the kitchen. Granger was sitting a the dining table, in his mouth was toasted bread. Granger mumbled something but, Ruby couldn't figure out what he was saying.

              "What is it?" asked Ruby in confusion. Granger sighed and pointed to a plate full of eggs and bacon.

              "Ohhh! Thanks for the food" Ruby said trying to get a plate. She got on her tippy toes and successfully got herself a plate. Ruby took half of the servings from the other plate onto hers. She placed her plate down and went to get a glass of apple juice. She sat back down and feasted on her eggs and bacon. Ruby looked to see Granger, who was observing her eat.

               "What" Ruby stated flatly giving him the death stare.

               "Nothing, I just didn't think...." Granger replied unsteadily. 

               "Didn't think what, that I would eat so much" Ruby responded coldly. "Well listen hear mister, I like to eat a lot of food, okay" added Ruby continuing to eat. Granger nodded and silently continue to eat. There was an awkward silence after that conversation.

               "So, are you going to leave after you eat?" questioned Ruby.

               "Yes, I am going to go back to the Hunter's Guild" Granger replied getting up from the table and washing his plate.

               "I am going to come to" Ruby said finishing her food and quickly chugging down her drink.

               "No, you are not, you haven't fully healed yet" said Granger.

                "Look I am going, no matter what" protested Ruby placing her hands on her hips. She gave Granger her best determined look. Ruby stepped back as Granger walked forward. She flinched as Granger dashed towards her. He placed both of his hands on her shoulder. Ruby held her breath as Granger's face came close to hers.

                 "Ruby, please stay here. Maybe later after you heal we could go together" Granger said as he stared into her eyes. Ruby gazed into Granger's dark brown eyes that were full of concern. She was speechless for a couple seconds.

                 "Ohh, okay then" said Ruby disappointed. She wasn't disappointed for long as Granger gave her a hug.


Granger could see that Ruby was disappointed. She reminded him of a small sad child. He brought her close to him and enclosed her in a hug. He could feel Ruby's arms encircling around him. He let go after a couple of seconds had passed. Ruby had her head down for awhile.

               "Well, I did said that I would take a horse with me" he said stretching out his arms.

               "I almost forgot!" exclaimed Ruby walking over to the counter. He watched her shuffled around the counter, finally she opened a small container and grabbed something out of it.

               "What is that?" questioned Granger as he got his stuff.

                "You will see" answered Ruby walking into the living to get her hood.

                 "Lets go" she chirped walking out the door. Granger followed her as they walked outside. Fall had already started a month ago as yellow, red, and brown leaves scattered across the ground. As they were walking a leaf slapped him in the face. He wiped the leaf off his face.

                 "Why are we walking so far" asked Granger.

                 "Instead of having several small stables, the town decided to make one huge stable where everyone could store their horses" Ruby answered skipping towards a large stable. They where on the outskirts off the village. As they open the big door to the stable a cool breezed entered.

                  "You have to be quiet some of the horses are probably still asleep" whispered Ruby as she entered in. Granger followed quietly as they walked towards the back of the stable. Ruby stopped at one of the stables that had a dark brown horse with a white blaze. Ruby quietly open the door to the smaller stable. She rested her hand on the horse's face and gently patted the horse. The horse opened its eyes and huffed.

                   "I know that you are tried Buttercup, but you need to wake up" Ruby said gently.

                    "Are you good with horses?" asked Granger looking at Ruby, who was leading Buttercup out of its stable.

                     "Not really, my mom used to love horses" Ruby replied walking out of the stable with Buttercup. Granger closed the doors to the large stable. He turned around to see the horse jump 50 feet into the air.

                   "What made the horse jump like that" Ganger said looking at Ruby with shock. Ruby gave he a reassuring smile.

                  "Its nothing really, Buttercup here really likes sugar cubes" Ruby replied unfolding her hand to show Granger the sugar cubes that were in her hand. She gave the cubes to the horse that was on trotting with joy.

                "Boy or girl" asked Granger looking at the joyful horse.

                "Girl" Ruby said putting the reins and saddle on Buttercup. She whisper something into the horse's ear.

                "You will be taking her with you on your journey" she said giving him the reins to Buttercup.

                 "Thanks for the help Ruby" Granger said as he mounted on Buttercup. He looked down at Ruby and smirked.

                "What's with that look" wondered Ruby.

                "You look like an ant from up here" said Granger trying to hold his laugher. Ruby stomped the ground.

                 "How dare yo-" Ruby replied.

                 "Got to go see you soon" Granger exclaimed as he took off. He turned back to see Ruby chasing and cursing after him. A smile appeared on his face as he waved goodbye. The horse suddenly stopped in its tracks. Granger looked to see why the horse stopped.

                 "Come on Buttercup lets go" he said patting the horse's mane. He jolted as he heard Ruby's voice getting closer. His brain was jammed with thoughts, and only one of them stood out. 

                 "Was is all a prank" he thought as his heart raced with adrenaline as Ruby got closer to them.

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