Chapter 18

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Hyunsuk's eyes widened as well as Jinyoung's. The man now known as Jinsul, laughed. "Isn't it funny Hyunsuk? That fag doesn't even know how to use a gun and shot you instead. I would gladly stay but I need to go somewhere." Jinsul signalled his men to let go of Hyunsuk, which they did, the male falling on his knees while clutching on his stomach tightly, and they left. Blood was everywhere.

"H-Hyunsuk." Jinyoung stuttered as he ran to the younger. "Oh my God. What did I do? Hyunsuk I-I'm sorry." Jinyoung sobbed as he hugged the male tightly. "Baby. I'm fine. I'm not hurt." Hyunsuk said reassuringly, holding Jinyoung. The latter broke the hug and faced Hyunsuk, frowning. "W-what do you mean?" Hyunsuk only chuckled. "I'm a mafia baby. And we have some rules you know. Like we should always wear a bulletproof vest." "B-but what about it-the blood?" "It's fake." Jinyoung sighed in relief, bringing Hyunsuk in yet another hug. "I thought I'd lose you." Jinyoung mumbled as he buried his face in the crook of Hyunsuk's neck. "I'll always stay by your side baby. Do you remember what you said? Without Jinyoung there is no Hyunsuk and" "without Hyunsuk there is no Jinyoung." Jinyoung completed the sentence with a small smile.

"Baby I'm sorry." Hyunsuk suddenly said. "Why are you sorry?" "He took Youngsuk again and look at what they did to you." Hyunsuk said softly caressing Jinyoung's face. The latter cupped Hyunsuk's face and smiled sadly. "Hyunsuk, I trust you. I know that you won't let anything happen to Youngsuk. We will find him. And don't worry about me. I'm fine. Just a bit weak and the small cuts are burning but that's all." Hyunsuk returned the sweet smile, letting Jinyoung's comforting word sink in his head but deep down he knew he was disappointed with himself.

"Let's leave this place." Hyunsuk said standing up. Jinyoung stood up and stumbled. Out of reflex, Hyunsuk wrapped his arms around Jinyoung's waist. "Are you okay baby?" The younger asked in concerned. "Yeah...I just feel a bit dizzy." Jinyoung reassured the younger but he could clearly see how unsure Hyunsuk was.

Hyunsuk lifted Jinyoung, carrying him bridal style. "I'm fine Hyunsuk. I can walk." Jinyoung was a bright red shade, staring into his lover's eyes. "I'm still gonna carry you." "Noooo~ put me down~" the older whined. Hyunsuk didn't put Jinyoung back down despite his protesting. Jinyoung couldn't help but admire the younger. He could feel his face heat up and this was the effect the younger had on him. No matter what, Hyunsuk never failed to make Jinyoung blushed.

Hyunsuk put Jinyoung back down and opened the car door for him. "Thanks." Jinyoung said and smiled at him. Hyunsuk was sure his heart skipped a beat. He got in the other side and drove off.

~Time Skip~

"Jinyoung are you okay? Did they hurt you? Omg...they hurt you. You have bruises all over your face." A worried Minjun started questioning Jinyoung as soon as he entered the house. The older laughed softly. "I'm fine Minjun. Don't worry." Jinyoung reassured Minjun. The two got really close in the past few months. "Are you sure? Do you want to eat or drink something? Of course. How stupid I am! Wait I'll go get something for you." Before Jinyoung could answer, Minjun already left. "Let's go to our room. I'll have to treat your wound." Hyunsuk grabbed Jinyoung's hand and pulled him upstairs.

"Sit here. I'll bring the first aid kit." Hyunsuk said making Jinyoung sit on the bed. After a few seconds he came back with the box and sat beside Jinyoung. He took out some cotton and wetted it with alcohol and dabbed it on the bruises, Jinyoung hissing at the burning sensation. "Sorry." The younger mumbled, softly blowing on the wound.

Jinyoung looked at Hyunsuk, smiling, remembering the first time Hyunsuk took care of him. "What are you thinking about?" The latter asked. "The first time you treated my wound." Hyunsuk sighed. "Baby. You know that I don't like it when you bring up these past memories. It always reminds me of-" "I always reminds you of how you used to treat me before." Jinyoung completed the sentence. "But, it was the first time I've been this close to you and it was our first normal interaction. How do you want me to forget about it?"

"Now that you brought this up. You were really cute at that time." Hyunsuk could help but smile at the memory. "I WAS?!" Jinyoung yelled. "What are you trying to say huh? That I'm no longer cute? You don't find me cute anymore? You want me to be cu-" Jinyoung was cut off by Hyunsuk's lips, pressed against his own plump one. "You will always be cute." The younger said after he broke the kiss. He wrapped his arms around Jinyoung and pulled him closer. "My cute little kitten." He mumbled as he booped his nose against Jinyoung's. The older scrunched his nose cutely, with a small smile.

Jinyoung wrapped his arms around Hyunsuk's neck. "And you are my cute little bunny." He mumbled, copying the younger male's action. Hyunsuk suddenly felt sad, slowly looking down. Jinyoung felt worried upon seeing the distressed look on Hyunsuk's face. "Hyunsuk...what's wrong?" Jinyoung asked, cupping his face, making the younger faced him. There were tears in his eyes. "Hey love, what's wrong?" The older asked in concern. Hyunsuk hugged Jinyoung, sobbing, burying his face in the crook of his neck.

"Babe. What's wrong?" Jinyoung asked as he lightly pushed the male so that he could face him. He cupped his face again and wiped away his tears. "I just feel disappointed in myself. I couldn't save Youngsuk and now we don't even know where is he." Hyunsuk choked out through tears. "Babe...didn't I tell you we will find him. Don't worry I know you will do your best." "I know but it's really hard to not feel disappointed." Hyunsuk said wiping his tears. Jinyoung pulled the male into hug, whispering soothing words in his ear, kissing him occasionally.

After a few seconds, Hyunsuk calmed down. "Are you okay now?" Jinyoung asked Hyunsuk, who broke the hug, now facing him. "Yeah. Much better." He said as he sniffled. Jinyoung cupped his face for the nth time. "Babe. You are an amazing father. It's just that luck wasn't on our side. I don't know how many times I told you this but I trust you. I know you will do everything and anything to find Youngsuk. Do you think that you are the only one who is disappointed? I'm also disappointed in myself. I'm his mother and I couldn't do anything. Don't you think it pain me as well? But I know that we will find him. We have to stay strong for Youngsuk,okay? And where did my strong mafia boy go, huh?"

Hyunsuk chuckled lightly. Jinyoung pecked his lips and smiled. "You are such an angel baby. I don't know what I would do without you in my life." Hyunsuk mumbled, pressing his forehead against Jinyoung's. "I will always be there for you." Hyunsuk pecked Jinyoung on the nose, making the older giggled cutely. Oh how Hyunsuk loved hearing this.

They both looked at the door when they heard a strange clink sound. There stood Minjun who was trying to put a tray of food on the table without being noticed. "Oh I'm sorry to disturb you. I just came to give you this. You guys continue I'm leaving." After placing the tray on the table, Minjun ran away causing the two boys to laugh loudly.

Hyunsuk stood up and grabbed the tray."Oh my God. Minjun loves you a lot huh. He prepared bibimbap and kimchi for you." He said as he sat in his original spot. "Open your mouth." He said, as he put the chopsticks in front of Jinyoung's mouth waiting for him to open his mouth. "You should eat also." Jinyoung said snatching the chopsticks from Hyunsuk before feeding him.

After they were done, they took a shower and went to bed.

Idk how to write cute things okay.
I'm honestly like angst better, so....ignore the mess I wrote.
Also I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday.
Anywaysssss hope you enjoyed it
If you did then don't forget to vote and comment
Love ya'll💖


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